Wheat & Chaff

Wheat & Chaff

I got myself in trouble recently when I mentioned wheat and chaff as part of the conversations with my wife. The issue is that there could be “chaff“ in some of our conversations. That means that I am selective listening but who out there can tell me with a straight face that is not something we all do. I soon came to realize this would be a good lesson for me to dwell and build on.
Most think that chaff is defined as ◦ “chopped hay and straw used as fodder.” But another definition shows “trash or worthless things”. That is where the problem arose that needed to be understood. We could go many directions in this lesson but let’s first focus on the purpose of what I meant by my comment.
Understand women speak three times more words than man on average. Some studies even show that where women could do 150 words per minute on average while men would be lucky to maybe get 50. For me personally, to retain knowledge, I need to weed out the chaff and focus on important facts and details. Talking to the pet or them selves, rude comments or even mean and hateful things can be part of the conversations that I wish not to dwell on. It is clear in the word what I am supposed to dwell on and feed my soul with. What is also very clear that I am suppose to honor my wife and give her the full attention she deserves when she is speaking to me. As relationships grow and time marches on we have a bad habit of tuning out those we love.
So key point is listen closely and focus on key items. Learn to discard the negativity or
hateful comments so that they do not become part of your behavior. Always, and I cannot emphasis this enough, always respond with love and positivity. Sometimes you also just have to walk away.
Now the other part of this lesson is “dwell on” which is to think, speak, or write at length. If you want to see the impact of this “dwell on” from negativity, violence and perversion just look at our society. From TV, movies, games and social interaction we have become isolated , sad, hateful and much worse. Learn to think on and perform good works that helps you grow spiritually and become more positive. Purify your thoughts because you are responsible for what you think. I have noticed that things I have “think at length” can turn into actions. Everybody has their own perspective on life. Tall or short; dreamer or anchor or a host of other contradictions your perspective is unique to you. Choose each day how you will react to life’s challenges. Work hard to focus on loving kindness.

Sir Robert The Bruce

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