War & Peace

War & Peace

During war a time comes that a soldier realizes that the guy next to him is willing to die for him and others in the unit. That simplifies life but why does it take war to crystallize that feeling.
Our current crises has had a similar effect on what is important. It has been mentioned we are at war. First responders are standing in the gap to defend us. Family and friends are being drawn closer together. As we grow closer, trust and unity is enhanced. This is called relationships as you learn to lean on one another. Have faith in God and your relationships.

My family is starting a new adventure. Time spent together is strengthening our marriage and family. When we move, we will need to depend upon each other even more. This is not retirement for me! I believe that 20 more years of God’s work is ahead. We serve an awesome God who gives us the desires of our heart. Tiff loves kids and the beach so this job plus location is a blessing. For sometime now it has been on my heart to write and teach. Many divine connections, training and insights have helped me move along this path. Sometimes I have been slow to act quickly and completely which has become learning experiences.
One of my failures is collectibles 😊. My wife calls most of it junk. My dumpster diving and curb side collections have stopped, mostly. The great purge has begun so follow tiff on face book to get the latest offering. Should of, could have had a garage sale like I felt must be done. So for now I will drag out stuff, post and wait. Tonight we made over $200 on bikes. We are being blessed as the next journey looms on the horizon. I mentioned all of this because when God calls you to step out in faith he will provide. Might not be a four car garage of collectibles but there is always a way.

Another important point is God’s protection. I was reminded of this twice this week, once from my Bible reading (the great exodus) and another from my daughters posting 4-19-2020.
From my daughter
On this morning 25 years ago I was mad! Mad because my sister didn’t wake up so I could take her to the social security office this morning as planned I told her I wanted to be there at 9:00 so we could beat the line. The wait here was always horrible and you could spend all day waiting to see someone. So since I was already up and dressed I decide to run other errands and I sat by McDonald’s on Main Street in Yukon waiting to turn on to Route 66 the ground shook and I thought OMG was that an earthquake and then all the radio stations started to broadcast about the bombing and at that moment I realized even thou I was Mad at her she saved our lives and the lives of 3 of my future children. I always use the phrase that good or bad things happen for a reason. I truly believe God had a hand in this and it was not our time. I will never forget this day.

My sister Amy posted this talking about us that day I do remember that day and I was awake and usually when Amy has something planned I am always ready when she wants to go cause I know she would be mad if I wasn’t but that morning I felt like feet were made of concrete and a force was stopping me for going out the door it was weird couldn’t explain it then I felt my apartment shake & I heard what happened

Always pray for you kids.

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