Now a days it is hard to know who speaks the truth. With the election in full swing many truth stretchers, as they see themselves, need to be fact checked. A saying I like is that figures do not lie but liars figure. With statistics, social media and technology you can build a lie with ease. I find it humorous when on a news station they interview each other to prove a viewpoint as if it was truth. Many lies contain an element of truth and that makes them more believable. News organizations have become more bias plus social media gurus use algorithm and censorship to control what you see.
Now for some really good news!
Good news = Gospel = The Bible
You can always count on the truth from the Word of God. It can also help with everyday challenges.
But another piece of this truth is found in Community. The ones who you are in relationship with have the opportunity to speak truth to you in love. Helping hold you accountable in what God has called you to do and your everyday walk to become more like Jesus.
The cross is our rescue
Read Colossians 1:13-14
There is a darkness in our world. A dark power in our world and in us. We must be ever vigilant in who we align with and allow in our community.
We do not need a wolf among sheep.
Psalm 103. Cross dispels all darkness
I am a movie nut, especially disaster movies. The stories of survival, end of the world as we know it, so who will make it to the closing scene is a guessing game. Disaster movie scenarios make tough decisions of how ruthless they are or become. If your “group” contains those who take what they want, takes no prisoners and squanders their bounty then they are the bad guys. Another group helps others and shares what they have. The drama in most movies is that a villain joins the good group and destroys them from the inside. So what does this have to do with the truth? Knowing who you help and allow in your community is a tough decision. God is a champion of second chances but he also made clear in His Word the dangers of your earthly nature and practices of sinful people. There will be times when hard choices will be made. I have mentioned before the sadness in my heart when my daughter had to leave a ministry house. What has helped me to have a peace that passes all understanding is prayer, community and seeking God in all things.
Trust him. What would you do in a similar situation? Draw close to him now before a crises arises.

In closing I would like to mention a project that is happening now.
Check it out. In my neck of the woods 89 churches have come together to deliver a Christian video, Bible, tracts and church invitation to every home in this city I call home. Not to late to take on your home town.

Copyright © 2020 New Hope Ministries, All rights reserved.

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