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If you followed last week’s random thoughts, bless you. It takes a lot of random threads to make a tapestry. One is easily broken but two or more add strength. In the masters hand a beautiful picture emerges.

Community works like that!  All of us are unique and have special talents.  If you think about it for a moment, no one but you can see, feel or experience exactly what you are right at this moment.  Being short or tall your perspective is unique.  Where a child will see lots of legs in a crowd, myself I see heads.  All of your senses of smell, taste and sight are special to you.  Different perspectives are shaped through experiences, culture and the community surrounding you.  At this moment pause for a minute, sit quietly and exercise your senses.

One of the hardest thing of community is “greater good”.  Are you willing to sacrifice “me” for the greater good?  Who determines what the “greater good” is?  If a group of individuals are willing to work together for the greater good of others what is the glue that holds them together?  Discussions of goals, plans, objectives and a host of other terms meant to define one direction. 

Social media and the internet can shape opinions, prove any point and cause dissention.  So who do you believe?  Real news or fake news; pictures and videos; google; and the list goes on.  I have seen friends and family divided over religion and politics.  An old saying, figures do not lie but liars figure.  Now a days the one thing that helps me I call pulse check.  Gut instinct, Holy Spirit, that still small voice, if you occasionally pause, get still and just be quite for a moment you will hear a lot.

I am building blocks toward a bigger picture.  This block helps with community which leads to many opportunities.  Legal Immigration Volunteer Empowerment (LIVE) needs this building block.  The process would be built on a sense of community with military structure.  Individuals, gathered together to help others obtain the dream of freedom.  Military structure means the squads, platoons, companies and battalion over seen by a civilian council.  The Structure of the United States Army is complex, and able to be seen in several different ways: active/reserve, operational/administrative, and headquarters/field.  All of these pieces I will unwrap at a later time.  Basic premise now is to lay out a foundation for the grut in the field, on the front line.

This individual is responsible for pulling together a support community to provide all of the resources needed for five immigrates under their care for seven to ten years.  They will be the point person answerable to their Sergeant for meeting goals and quality of life. Those selected are not paid by the government.  Government social programs will not be a part of the support community.  Volunteers are allowed to be paid by their support community.  Each front line volunteer will have a background check, business plan and health evaluation.  Review committees will consist of the Sergeants, Lieutenants and Captain in their chain of command.   Each of these individuals will have under gone their own review process before serving as volunteers.  These same individuals will also be reviewing the immigrant applicates for placement in LIVE.  Understand this is for Legal immigration.  Those who have entered the United States illegally are disqualified.  Criteria for applicants will need to be spelled out.  For example criminal backgrounds would not be an automatic disqualification but full history of severity, circumstances surrounding the case and other factors will need to be considered.

This is a good start on this piece of the puzzle.

Sir Robert the Bruce.

Copyright 2020

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