I have been struggling for awhile now, to not only write but staying focused.  Things are moving slower than I like and being lazy something I confess to doing.  Many thoughts have been planted into my head and making sense of all that is going on in this crazy world makes you want to withdraw.  I have also had a lot of fun since tax season ended.

A caterpillar goes through a mighty struggle to become a butterfly.  The process squeezes out excess liquid in the body and helps in the transformation.  If it is helped to escape the cocoon then the end result is not as good and could even result in death.   

I am resolved to continue on this journey chosen for me.  My Pastor’s sermon a few weeks ago ignited a new fire in my soul.  Is this a future path for me, was my first question.  How does it fit in what I believe to be true and the calling on my life?

The announcement and sermon was our Church identity is “Missions.”  Do I get involved? Experience in ministry building plus international short term missions does fit. Could this be the step to move forward? God give me wisdom! I want to preach and teach with the calling of being a story teller. Need to learn more, was the answer received, so lunch with the Pastor was arranged.  I listened to his vision and the fit was definitely there.  But a cautionary thought of “let my will be done, serve those in leadership”.

Listening and learning are two keys to my growth.  I do have ideas but will be patient and wait for God’s timing or lay them aside if it is best.  I will share my ideas, in case they will help you, or to be planted in some one you know. 

A hybrid of Antioch missions-BAM & Teen Mania all three I served with at various times.  Calling it Ministry & Missions training, a tool box for each. 

Shark tank environment of ideas for new community ministries are presented, chosen, then resources poured in to help launch or grow.  A code of values is used to insure adherence to God’s word.

One Nation Under God (ONUG) Coalition = Where two or more are in agreement under God His will will be done.

A good handyman has the right tool for each situation.  I have prototypes of two manuals that provide information on starting and running a ministry plus when in the field, starting points for each aspect of missions.  This is not all inclusive but starter kits and keep in mind you have to be flexible.  God loves to throw a curve ball occasional.  Taking my learning and passing it on is something I am called to do.

Sometimes I am the kite and other times an anchor, so need wisdom on when to soar and other times be grounded.

Word- the attempt by imperfect yet inspired individuals drawn to follow in the Father’s footsteps to create something from nothing- whether they recognize the original source of their call or not

Closing tidbits    === Battle plan ===God has given you this land. You can not do it alone. Divine intervention and community is required.

Here I am Lord. Use me               Faith leads to action

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