Simple things can be really big reveals. Do not miss the point.

Stop building barriers that say you cannot be Christian or do good things because.,……….
You are liberals, have tattoos…
God can make clean what is unclean = Let that sink in
Not matter what you have done or think of yourself change can happen.
I was put down for grammar or how thoughts are written, so I stop doing what needs to be done.
Lets get our act together and change the world.

Acts -10: 30 – An ordinary man going about his duties but also staying true to what he felt called to do. This lead to great and mighty events that changed the world.

Political leaders change. Some are good and others bad. But we are instructed by our leader not to judge. We also learn that what the ruler of this world means for evil God can make good use of. Immigration is one of those opportunities that we can make good. I have said that my belief is open borders are a bad idea. But helping others is good. Who is to say that some of those trained in a way to LIVE will not become leaders by returning from whence they came.
I was recently reminded about how people are treated in other countries. Women are nothing but things, religious freedom or any freedom of choice is forbidden. Even in this country media is controlled by a few and you must dig down deep for truth. My God helps me discern fact from fiction. Remaining diligent, protecting my heart and soul takes time and work.
Immigration is a complex systemic issue with no easy fix. Why not start with a simple volunteer solution. LIVE allows those with big hearts the opportunity to give back to those people in need. All they need is a blueprint of the steps to take. This reminds me of story about Christopher Columbus who needed money to sail around the world. During an audience with the Queen he asked her to stand an egg on end. Her response was, everyone knows the world is flat and what does this egg have to do with you trying to sail over the edge. I will humor you, and thus she gave it a good try. After awhile the Queen gave up in exasperation, it is impossible!
Columbus promptly took the egg and smashed one end flat, then leaned back. See it is easy once you have been shown how.
I truly believe that 90% of any problem has already been solved and what we need to do is put those pieces together and solve the other 10%. Please reach out to your local representative and tell them you are ready to volunteer and sponsor an immigrant. Shock them by offering to cover their living costs, with no government assistance. Talk to your friends, church, ministry or other social group to build a network for providing a sanctuary. All you ask for in return are clear, straight forward steps to citizenship that can be accomplished in under seven years. This has to be done legally and above board as an example to those you serve. Simple, small first steps that can cause life changing moments.

Sir Robert The Bruce

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