Siren Call

Siren Call

What exactly does that mean? Something that is very appealing and makes a person want to go somewhere or do something but that may have bad results. I believe that is what is happening in our society today. News media is bias and not to be trusted.
For me I want people to understand that now is the time to come together. The USA is ever changing and the “good old days” as we know are fading into the past. I am not, hopefully, am alarmist that the end is near but we need to have a come to Jesus moment. What we have been through is just the first wave of major changes in our world.
This past week I have had several conversations about the people’s state of mind. For some it is abject fear and they are sheltering in place. Others plow through the obstacles and continue to live large. I have been around the USA and seen shops closed while others are following protocols to stay open. At one location in Orlando only one restaurant in an entertainment district was open, the rest were like a ghost town. Lawyers and financial planners are seeing more business as people get their affairs in order. An attorney in Florida is offering free will preparation for teachers. Let that sink in for a moment. Like soldiers going off to war, they know the possibility of death is a reality. Bottom line folks is that death has always been a reality. We are not promised another day or hour. I am all for carpe diem. Long ago I came to grips with death being a realty and try my darndest to make every hour, minute and day be what is best. I have failed in some areas, and still do, but pick my self up by the boot straps if need be and carry on. Sometimes I sit in a moody blue state and lick my wounds. But days, like today, I did my happy dance for finally doing something I have tried to accomplish for nine months.
So what is next? I am wrapping up my time in Waco and moving into the next mission. I have mentioned this before in other writings that the path is not fully defined yet but know that writing and this blog is a step. I will focus on my code of values, which also is my declared key to get out of poverty, during this transition period. Being “RICH’’ must happen for me to move forward. To refresh your memory or for newbies Respect-Integrity-Community-Have Fun. I believe that speaking to groups is part of the new mission. Roundtable discussion with the give and take that happens when people share is what I believe is part of that mission. Be it Christian walk, community development, immigration or getting out of poverty I am open. If you are interested in getting a group together for such a purpose, please leave a comment. I am still learning and not certain how to open conversations but will do my best.
Most of you have no idea what to do or what’s is coming. Some of you do! This is not a fight about you or me nor our stuff. This is a fight for our existence, our family, moral rights and what is right.
What is important is what happens in the next few hours, days, months and years. Our actions will determine our community’s moral character. That is the responsibility we have in the here and now. If standing our ground comes at a terrible costs so be it. That is the only way things get better. And the only way people stay free. Think of the one who gave his all so we could be free. First and foremost we must always act in love. That is the greatest commandment.

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