Back to back blog post who would of figured. I blogged last night about adopting an immigrant. This morning, reality check, why do I not do it. I have no resources or knowledge of how, where to get started, costs, understanding the process, responsibility & support group (recently moved to a new area). Talk to Gary, my best friend, pops into my head. Yes start with an awesome prayer warrior. Buried with my day job, need to make time thought quickly follows the first. Time to start digging and build a plan. I like lists, protocols and process so first step a given and items to prioritize and learn about provide the next steps.
The word today, “Just go ahead with what you’ve been given.” Get connected by walking and sharing, living what I’ve been given-that matters. May I live today what I’ve been given.
If you have some insight on what I mentioned above, please respond.
Sir Robert The Bruce

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