Lately I have been reminded of the price of freedom. Be it Memorial day, Fourth of July, anniversaries of wars or the one who is the great I Am who sacrificed his son for all mankind this plus more makes me greatly appreciate the life I have. Isabella Baumfree is a name most people do not know. Many have heard of Sojourner Truth however, her heartache and perseverance to win not only her freedom but some of her children’s and pave the way for others is a good story. Isabella changed her name to show that her life was built on the foundation of God’s truth. I was introduced to the character of Sojourner during a community play. My part was a plantation owner who sold her and the kids to various individuals. I have learned much during my drama years and this part struck home when separating children from their mother. Sojourner had a secure fortress in God and decided to take legal action to fight an unjust system. She did it with peace, love and wisdom, given by God, not hate or anger.
Many times the cost of war is paid with young lives. Not only those willing to serve but also children have died as collateral damage. A recent revelation is the startling contrast in some wars where the loss of civilian life was lessened by choices made not to make it all out war. When the decision was made to destroy whole cities to “break the will” of the other side the war was won. This decision also saved many lives of the soldiers fighting and brought about a quicker stop to the war. On the other hand if you mostly defended yourself and did not pursue aggression across a border the war drags on and the defenders are worn down by attrition.
One more timely freedom breaker is COVID. The world came to a stop and people were isolated. Interaction, travel, business and a host of other issues caused our freedoms to be very, very limited. The mental health aspects of isolation, no hugs, trauma and loss of loved ones will be with some of us for a very long time. Leaders had to make hard choices that impacted the living and dying. A balancing act of is the cure worse than the virus caused many decisions to be questioned with fatal consequences.
What is my point? Justice often takes time and is not always readily apparent. God of justice is made very clear in the Bible. There is a darkness in the world and innocents will sadly suffer. Long suffering, why are my enemies triumphing over me and false accusations will occur. Keep in mind God’s love will never fail! Even in the darkest days of our history you should always have hope and faith. Never give up, never give in, we have already won if you are a follower of Jesus Christ. Like Sojourner, learn to fight for what is right and your dreams through peace, love and wisdom. Those hard choices, in good times or bad, can be solved with wisdom that is only an ask away. I have been saved many times from the consequences of bad decisions by being humble and asking for help. If you are alone, lost or unsure what direction to go, pray and ask for help.
Sir Robert The Bruce