Judge not or be Judge

Judge not or be Judge

When your circumstances change it impacts and changes our perspective. Recently when I had difficulty walking and was forced to use a wheel chair, walker and cane not only did people react to me differently but my ego also changed. Learning to rely on others as I slowly regained my health and strength provided many lessons.

It does not matter where you came from or what you have done. What matters is today and the choices you make. This freedom of choice is what makes us unique. I like what someone involved in Christian community development said recently. “We are working to make our community one that people want to move in to ~ rather than leave. We want this neighborhood to be a place for people to invest their time and energy…to live life, to raise families, to own homes. With this in mind, one of our working vision statements was formulated: “To create, with our neighbors, a community that people want to move into.”

As a team we can do anything! Our team includes God’s community of believers who love and share.
Balance is very important. Balance in life includes keeping priorities start. God, family, ministry and community are key to your growth and stability.

Mentoring is the key to helping others. Some define this as “the practice of assigning a junior member of staff to the care of a more experienced person who assists him in his career” What this means as a Christian is helping others not only in their Christian walk but also becoming part of a community.

Truth, Justice and the value of a single human being is hard to measure. But a single person can change the world.

Son, the more I know, the less I know. But the more I know, the more I believe in a creative and loving God.” Over the ensuing decades I have discovered my father’s words to be true. Sacred mystery is at the center of the greatest truths.

Judge me on the content of my character not my skin

What do all of these random thought and sayings have in common. Think about them for a bit in a no stress environment of peace and stillness.

I have launched LIVE through my blog. Many details have been outlined and input from others requested. The next steps are now being taken.

1. Recruit prayer warriors — Got to have God’s wisdom, blessings and covering
2. Draft up a proposed law change that can be uniformly sent to law makers

Goal is to have the proposal and network in place once elections are completed and new political leaders are in place.

Comments and suggestions are welcomed.

Sir Robert The Bruce

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