Is This ME
I have been blessed by many good Words lately that truly hit home. From shared stories of a person’s life, to going into battle, or changing my attitude and being a listening ear. As usual I will share these pieces and let you put together your own puzzle. Everyone is unique and special with talents, feelings and a life history
A message recently read is me.
“I’m tired, defeated, worn out. The words hit a little deeper, and with laser-focused relevance, in a place of my heart I know God has been softening and breaking. I have been resistant, stubborn, and prideful. Tears quickly welled up as I began to process through it, and I found the truth to be cathartic and healing. I need Jesus to heal some deep wounds and brokenness.
You see, I felt deeply rejected by my father. He was absent, and I grew up as a very self-reliant person. I learned how to forge my life on my own knowledge and strength. Sure, I have been walking with Christ since aged 13, but life has thrown at me some pretty tough challenges—my parent’s divorce, infidelity in my marriage, ongoing toxic relationships, and an incessant artificial need to appease people, especially in order to advance my career.
Over the last five years, I suffered some gut-wrenching disappointments that sent me down a deep hole of doubt, shame, and self-loathing. Admittedly, rather than move closer to Christ, my habits and behaviors led me to hide in shame.
I’m grateful for strong relationships at home, in my faith community, and with brothers who know my deepest faults and desires. Without them, I would be in a much more desolate place. Even still, at times, it is easy to feel alone.”
While this story does not fit me to a tee, it does include a lot of similarities.
Next piece is we are at war. If you look at our fallen world this should be a no brainer to believe. We should prepare daily for this self evident truth. What is your war plan? Battles are waged “against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. The battleground starts in your mind and heart. Sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these inflict many but can be overcome. Goal setting is required. If it is not in writing the plan does not exist. I have learned keeping a journal helps in my never ending journey. Who do you have to be accountable with. Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Word, Community are just a few of the things needed to grow and move forward.
My attitude stinks some days, so I pray. In today’s chaotic world there are times I have grown tired and stressed. Being surrounded by negativity and constant bombardment by darkness I must choose Light. Each day provides choices to be made to be a complainer or joyful. Just the other day at the doctor’s office I was first in at the lab, then watched others come and go. Be joyful and bless the workers with a smile and kind words is my choice.
People in this world are hurting. Some have lost loved ones, jobs and their home through all of these tribulations. We cannot be the fix it all but do what we can and especially a listening ear. Blowing off steam or unloading a heavy burden is all some need.
Those are the pieces today so make you own conclusions. For me, vacation time with a wife who as been by my side for twenty years serving the Lord, growing stronger in service to Him and still following my battle plan.
Sir Robert The Bruce