I have been needing to write and post for some time.  Mostly out of fear for what people will think or say keeps me from sharing.  Recently my grandson shared that our country’s songs need to be changed to excluded references of freedom.  That comment perplexed me as to why would he think that.  Shortly after that I had the opportunity to talk to another young man and was provided with enlightenment.  This led to pieces of a puzzle coming together that crystallized my thoughts.

We live in society that has become extremely fearful!  Rise in crime, hate, chaos and personal attacks are on the rise.  Freedom of voice and choice is constantly under attack.  Trolls on social media are just waiting to pounce on any thought.  Threats, name calling and overall civil unrest is spewed out onto whomever they dislike.  They take this hate to the streets and into our neighborhood blasting anyone within earshot.  Unfortunately there are those who are fanatic about their cause and believe the end justifies the means.  These fanatics work hard to convince others to join their cause with half truths and deception.  This is ugly and mean!  I choose the freedom to call it what it is.  Is this statement an example of what I am referring to as hateful?  Interesting thought and surely some will see it that way.  You can spiral up or down, being twisted in your effort to know the truth.   

What is the truth?  Which way do I turn in response to overwhelming information?  Sifting through garbage at times to find my direction and kernels of knowledge is tough.  It has taken me years to understand that I must have a strong base of truth.  That truth has lead me to basic foundational beliefs which helps me sort through the chaos.  I must stand for something or will fall for anything.  This blog rambles sometimes so let me break down the basics.  We do have freedom.     

Freedom to make choices that leads to consequences and other choices.  My response, in the face of anger, should always be made in love.  Calling things that be, can be judging so tread carefully.  Hopefully you get my drift that as Christians we get into self incrimination.  So what do we do about all of the hate in the world?  The answer is simple love!  Love those who hate you, call names and rant.  It is not easy but kind loving words needs to be your legacy.         

I am sure my grandson was worried about freedom of choice not speech when he made his comment. A women’s freedom of choice when they become pregnant is a divisive issue. Keep in mind that three people are involved in this scenario.  A women and a man plus a child once inception occurred all factor in to the choice. Bottom line, killing another human being is just that! In times of war, self defense and other reasons can be justified but still a horrible occurrence. Choosing to just because of convenience, what might be or just because are not valid reasons. I have screwed up many times in my life but believe strongly in adoption. Having been on multiple sides of adoption and seen the impacts on lives in many forms I believe this is best. Also mistakes have gained me wisdom that one man and one women waiting until marriage for sex is best. When the choice to not do that but have sex then you have opened up your life to deal with consequences.  Simple truths and beliefs to live by.  Freedom of choice within the boundaries of human kindness, decency and love.

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