
Working on getting back to my Thursday posting schedule. Also resurrecting my 3rd Degree face book page. Again I am in a learning curve of how it will all work, so I pray and take little steps. “3rd Degree” was created to link up prayer warriors. Basic idea was you know somebody that knows someone. Wouldn’t it be cool if you had someone in New York City that needed prayer and you were in Texas. How could you send a prayer warrior in person to actually lay on hands to pray for them if you live in Texas. Of course this is a scary fallen world and now COVID is in the mix. I believe it can still be done. The new added purpose of the Facebook page is to spread the word about LIVE. Time to start the grassroots rising to change our immigration system. We need thinkers, dreamers and prayer warriors. All things of GOD and for GOD start with prayer. The who what and when must be from him through divine inspiration. So search for “3rd Degree” face book page, become a friend, pray and stay tuned for a post.
My thought this week is freedom.
All of us have suffered loss. Some more than others. Loved ones, friends, jobs, financial security, homes and in general your peace of mind. Our world is a fallen world that has gotten more crazy by the moment.
The question many of us struggle with, how do we live with our own survival or current circumstances?
How do we make use of this life we still have.
Some want to destroy the past, rewrite history per se. Our strength lies in our traditions, what we have learned from our mistakes and shared community of family plus friends. Our DNA is made up by learning how our forefathers built this nation on Christian values and good will for ALL. We have also learned that evil will keep on unless good people stand up and fight for what is true and just.
You need a code of conduct. As I have previously written RICH is my choice. Respect- all -regardless of who or what they are = that takes love. Integrity- doing the right thing to all – loving yourself and those you encounter.
Community = surrounding yourself with the faithful – those who hold you accountable and pick you up when you fall. Just as important Having fun in the life you live.
Freedom in this country is about being able to think for yourself, to examine the ideas that you are presented with and weighing out whether or not they are true and worth adopting as part of your worldview. That’s what some are doing and more need to do. Proving that they are fully capable of making up their own minds. Independent thinkers don’t need their hands held.
Remember when you forgive, you heal and when you let go you grow.
Sir Robert The Bruce