I am a person who likes to plan. Making a list, checking it twice, finding out who or what is next. Relying on my knowledge, experience and analytical strengths kept me moving forward. Then I met God and all that changed. No, not in a blink of an eye, but learned experiences increased my faith, strengthened my still small voice and figuring out not to rely on my own understanding. I still make lists though.
When I first was given the idea of LIVE my brain went to town devising methodologies, steps to take and structure. Some of it was sound but other ideas crazy. After sending off the idea to my Congressman and the White House I settled down to what does He want. The idea of this blog came to mind, which lead to guidance and donations to pay for the web site.
First step is really not that at all but on your knees or sitting still seeking Him. I have kept a journal for decades and this has helped me sort out plus keep track of life. Humans have a peculiar habit of doing things the same way, Yep habit. What has worked for me in the past is tried and true. We become stuck in the same old, same old.
Here are some random thoughts on how things could start the ball rolling on LIVE. I am sure He has it all figured out so by taking a step, more is revealed and a moving object is easier to direct. On the one hand laws or procedures in the federal government need to change. I am not a lawyer, but I know that it takes a lot of pushing to obtain permission to “adopt” an immigrant. I do not want or suggest having a big government program. What we need is permission. As I mentioned earlier it will be run by volunteers and overseen by a volunteer committee. How exactly this would work I only have a clue but 90% of a problem is available (my belief) so we the people need to devise the 10% balance.
While this movement is mobilizing we can get prepared. In my circle of friends, associates, acquaintances and “I know somebody who knows somebody” a community will be formed. Housing, food and jobs are the basics but much more will be needed. Landlords, realtors, food banks, resale shops and business leaders will be useful. I know of a legal ministry that works with immigrants. Training and education for language and jobs are a few of the areas that will be needed. You must learn about their culture, lifestyle and what does it take to be an American citizen. A community is needed to provide guidance and be there for each other.
One big rule I have learned in ministry is that there is no hard and fast rule. Learn to be flexible, adapting to God’s will and plan. The church you are a part of, and need to be as part of LIVE, might not be the one God leads your new neighbor to be a part of.
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