Fear can paralyze you or motivate you. A whole host of what ifs can enter your mind. There are those who have a problem for every solution. Others push through the obstacles and persevere. Not every thing in this world is a lock. Preparation and perspiration holds a lot of way. Your community of friends having your back is paramount. They can hold you accountable and lend a hand. Be it overcoming an addiction, citizenship or meeting a life goal. There are times for solitude but social interaction with friends has got to happen.
The next time you are paralyzed by fear, pray. Is God trying to warn you about something? Does he want you to pause and reflect? Is it time to suck it up buttercup and push through. Sometimes it takes your community’s prayers to shine a light on the right move. He does not give us a spirit of fear but power, light and a sound mind.
With this move to Florida it is Tiff’s first really big move. She’s has ventured forth to college but Waco is her home. For me I have moved and traveled much. God’s uprooting and starting anew has given me knowledge of grace, mercy and blessings. Trusting him started with small things and grew from there. As a couple we both fully trust in him. So many things are falling into place. Job, resources and house just to name a few are making it happen. I still have some apprehension about the four car garage of collectibles but He has a way.
Pray today for those in fear or troubled. Job, home, family and a host of other traumas plus dramas. Today we were suppose to be at our daughters college graduation. She got up as planned, donned a pretty dress (worn for the first time) then went online to toast and celebrate her friend’s. She is a hero in my book. Laughing, crying and lifting up those in her community. Praise God.