As I step out in faith my mind races with the why, what and how. Thoughts of next steps related to, who to reach out to, friend and potential ally, but also admin tasks fill my mind. Additionally, why this is so important fills my thoughts. Veterans Day was last week with all of the words of freedom is not free. Like Jesus, our veterans laid down their lives so that others could enjoy freedom. Free from persecution and others who decided the greater good did not include them. Stories of the desire of freedom from far away places like Ireland, India and Middle East fill my tv time. Memories of what was and still is brings understanding of the importance of LIVE.
Having knowledge of resources, a game plan with steps and goals gives HOPE.

In our current political climate much progress has been in securing our borders. The what if of an open border is now being discussed. In Europe the effects of letting all in without proper vetting can be seen. Destruction of the country’s way of life, strain on resources and lawlessness reigns. Hopefully that will not happen here but we do need to fix our broken immigration system. Providing a means for those who truly embrace the American way is key. I am not referring to a specific religion because freedom of choice is also paramount. We should not however cater to those whose lifestyle is hate and destroying our culture.
Pursuit of happiness not hate is important. Just because someone has a different opinion than yours is no reason to hate. Soldiers say, I do not agree with what you say, but will fight to defend your right of free speech. The line needs to be drawn however when that free speech turns to violence and inciting riots. Not drawing that line or worst turning a blind eye condones the action. Embodying them through inaction encourages more chaos.

Be easy on people; you’ll find life a lot easier. Give away your life; you’ll find life given back, but not merely given back—given back with bonus and blessing. Giving, not getting, is the way. Generosity begets generosity” (Luke 6:37-38 MSG).

The struggle to maintain our freedom must be fought. Our younger generation needs to learn discernment. Sifting through mounds of information to find truth needs to be done.

Sir Robert The Bruce

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