Do Not Give In

Do Not Give In

Absolute power corrupts! When we give away our personal choice then power moves to the taker. Let that sink in for a moment. God gave that right to us “personal choice”. To live, to love, to follow all of these are our right.
My personal choice, I willing give to God. It has taken me years of baby steps to arrive at this stage of live. Learning to trust and obey is not easy for someone who loves to plan, be detailed oriented and have a list of things to do. Being copilot and not pilot has taken me on many wonderful journeys and provided memories.
Today I read that Carmen passed away. He was a few years younger than me and had an impact on my life. Not only his music, Grammy award winner, but the time spent volunteering at his Dallas concert left me with tales of the skits performed. I was able to meet him and watch him minister. This is one of many steps where I followed the urging to go and do something new.
On a more somber note think of how your personal choice is slowly eroded away. When we allow our very substance of life to be controlled by someone we become subjective to their choice. Debt is one item mentioned numerous times in the Bible. Medical care, housing, food and income, think of these and for whom you depend on. Sadly we are moving toward a society that provides all of these at no cost. The haves will pay and/or federal debt incurred from outside sources. Our borders are now open with hundreds coming in that will need food , medical care, housing and much more to be provided by the good old USA.
My choice is to not give in to having all things provided by a government like other socialist countries. On the matter of immigration my choice is to respond in love and follow what God has put on my heart. Legal Immigration Volunteer Empowerment (LIVE). The LIVE idea has been sent to two Senators as an alternative to free stuff. As Christians we can be the hands and feet to help those in need. I am not for open borders! Relationships are what I desire. My home has been provided by God and available to do his work. Second, third and more chances for those in need as God directed. But it is not for everyone because sadly there is evil in this world who wishes me and others harm.

To know what is best for you make a personal choice to not give in to the chaos, hatred and mob mentality surrounding our nation.
Push through the noise, spend some time in silence to hear the still small voice.
A good leader has self awareness, a desire to do better, be better.
Insecurities do not make you less of a leader, they make you human. Where we are weak God can bring others to walk along side us. Community is another personal choice. Surrounding yourself with others of like mind who love and support you. You see these groups in church, first responders, sports and your neighborhood.

Be RICH =Respect Integrity Community and Have fun. But more importantly make the right personal choices

Sir Robert The Bruce

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