Sometimes we get on our high horses and become aloof. We believe that our way is the best and only course of action. We become stuck in ourselves.
Learn to get off your horse and stand firmly on the ground. Become rooted in God’s purposes and ways. Respond with love kindness and understanding. Having the best intentions can be destroyed by a bad attitude.

If it is broke leave it. Not a person but stuff.

Priorities are important so that things can get done.

What does all of this mean when taken together? For me it is trust and obey. In these crazy times when the world is turned upside down, I often find myself questioning which way I will go and what actions I should take. My to do list has overtaken my life and added stress. Just the basic question of who is allowed into my “bubble” and controlling my environment has a life and death outcome.

This is the time to turn to God. Trust in him for all things, including protection. My family is moving to Florida, as I have mentioned, but that undertaking can be overwhelming. Buying a house from a web site with pretty pictures (some photo shopped) and an agent who “walks us through via facetime” is scary. Not my ways but his way be done. The whole process is stressful but in the end we found a beautiful home with blessings that keep coming. Just last night the sellers asked if we wanted some furniture they planned not to take. My wife had searched for similar items to replace what we were not taking so now furniture is provided at a fraction of the anticipated cost.

The great purge of my decades of accumulated items is on the way. Years of collectibles are being sold, given and trashed. Our family prays, seeks guidance, and obtains peace. Needs are being met. How many unfinished projects are not going to Florida? I am learning more and more the master plan. A funny saying suggests that we plan and God laughs then blesses us beyond our understanding. The house provided does not have as much storage. Clutter be gone and simple life abounds. This unburdening will allow me to focus on the next adventure in a tranquil environment.

My post our more focused on God now and what he is doing in my life. I have promoted my blog more and have received comments about grammar and spelling. This is what happens when you have a lot of teacher friends. Having a reviewer is on the list but right now just getting thoughts posted is the goal. (This is Haley. I am apparently the review right now. I am not being paid and cannot leave the house. Please send snacks.) I am looking forward to times of sitting in my Florida room, writing about God and the other projects (RICH & LIVE). God Bless

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