Broken system

Broken people

I started this blog Monday as I was chilling down in Galveston on a foggy morning close to the beach.  Tuesday night, at a Banquet, my mind was opened up to many revelations and connectivism of thoughts.  Mainly what is broken are relationships.

We live in a fallen world!  What does that mean exactly? Before, there was a perfect world then sin entered in. Yes, I strongly believe in freedom of choice. Everyday we have options to consider. From the mundane of should I get out of bed to God show me someone I can witness too. Life changing, altering decisions can occur from the simple to the bigger choices. Back to fallen world and how Satan has free reign when the relationship with God was broken by choice. Spiritually and morally degraded is our current world. Sinful natures abound and we must choose to close our mind and eyes to many temptations.  We are relational beings and sin separates us from God.  The choice to reconnect is ours and followed by choices made to remain in right relationship through Jesus Christ with God.

Here are some thoughts on areas to contemplate:

• from joyful obedience to God’s rules so as to fulfill His superlative design for our lives into lawless rebellion and constant frustration and warfare at every level of society (Genesis 3:14–16; James 4:1–10)

• from the beauty, tranquility, and vitality of godly family life into a cesspool of sexual-identify confusion, domestic strife, and aimlessness (Genesis 3:16; Romans 1:14—2:16; Galatians 5:19–21)

Part of my revelations tied several parts of LIVE and RICH together.  Both have a community piece in their design.  Relationships equals community plus is good for the body and soul.  Immigrants coming to American need to be a part of a social and relational community.  Learning from each other, being supportive in their dream for a better life all comes from community.

I advocate not an open house but a friendly open home.  Open borders can create strife and danger to a community.  Just look at the news about Europe with crime and internal strife.  God has blessed me with a home and resources.  I do share with those in need but, and that is a big but, prayer goes first and God’s design will be followed.

To give an example I want to share my daughters story.  For many years she has chosen a path of drugs which has resulted in homelessness.  My help, in various forms, has been offered to aid her life changing choices.  On one occasion she accepted a room at a ministry house that I was responsible for with three basic stipulations.  No drugs, not a crash pad and keep it clean.  She quickly broke all three, failed a drug test and regrettably was back out on the streets.  Her choice and yet it was me who asked her to leave. 

Most people think poverty is lack of food, shelter and clothing, material things.  When you talk to someone who is in poverty the voices say psychological and social problems.  Mental health is a big issue, with self medication and little help.  The theory of being RICH to get out of poverty is a tongue in cheek way of saying the truth is in Respect Integrity Community & Having fun.  Respect and Integrity goes both ways in a relationship.  Understanding and getting to know someone’s story is very important.  Not assuming your game plan of material things is the fix.  Homelessness is a deeper issue and a quick fix is not in the cards.  You must walk along side an immigrant or a person in poverty.

In closing remember the old saying, preach the gospel and use words if you have too.  Show in your life how you are respectful, exhibit qualities of being honest and having strong moral principles, moral uprightness.

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