Author: Sir Robert The Bruce

After many years in ministry I have been led to share my thoughts, stories and a rich life living for Christ.


What people will do for love is amazing. Lately with my daughter home I see some of the shows she watches like Catfish and SVU to name a couple. There have been other indicators this past week including the greatest love of all. If you have not heard of Catfish it basically pertains to people with false online personalities. People are looking for love in all the wrong places and do not always put their best foot forward. From fake pictures, made up profiles and learning to use the right lingo to catch the best. What some people are looking for is a soul mate or just want to have fun. When you put yourself out there it can be risky and crazy people are everywhere. A story today talked about a first date from a website dating app that resulted in a couple of follow up dates. Being a New Yorker the bad news of the virus was overpowering her and the idea of sheltering in place for months in a tiny apartment bleak. On the other hand this new acquaintance had a nice place with a spare bedroom in Connecticut. Why not see what could develop? Hopefully it will not be a future episode of SUV.

I have lived long and married a few times. My mistakes and bad choices have hurt my family and created lasting negative impacts. But through it all lessons were learned and spiritual growth occurred. Love is a commitment. It takes time to build a relationship, be it with a soul mate or best friend. When I met my wife a choice was made to not kiss her or be intimate until a bond was established and a ring was placed on her finger. Not going to tell you it was easy but communication happened a whole lot more. Most couples focus on the physical than spiritual and inner soul. I highly recommend the latter to find true love.

A saying you have heard me mention before, this too shall pass. Many times I have seen marriages and relationships end early. If they had just tried a little bit harder or gave it more time a brighter future could have been had. In today’s world instant gratification is the norm. After a cold, bleak winter comes spring. This virus will be a distant memory one day. I believe all this because of the one who loves me the most.

God allowed his son Jesus to die for our sins. This is sacrificial love on a grand scale. Remember this when you hear the bad virus news or your relationships are strained by isolation or being locked down together. Today my wife accepted her dream job, so we are making plans. Not dwelling on the limitations of today but focused on what the future hold.


My hope will not be deferred because……My hope is Bible hope——- All my expectations are in Jesus.

Faith is the substance of my hope.

My hope roars! Jesus is wonderful, and we are more than conquerors because of his love! Be safe and pray.



How can you have peace in these troubling times? Easy by seeking the one who gives it. In these chaotic times it is important to seek him first, last and throughout the day.
Jesus had his special spot by the sea and you should have one also. Spending time with God is the key for learning how to navigate these uncharted waters.

Problems should inspire us. When we do not lean on our own understanding miraculous things can occur. Recently I had to drive across the country in the midst of this pandemic. My daughter’s school in New York was closing and she had to come home. Adding to the mix was her spring trip with school mates to London. Yep a couple of hot spots for the virus.

My wife and I were off because of the shutdowns. Loaded up the truck with boxes, food and water to start the 24 hour drive. Family is very important and peace surrounded us in this adventure.
Our daughter left her phone in a taxi and we lost contact. Mama kicked in her maternal instincts, used an app to locate the phone, google earth to see a taxi in the driveway then arranged to have phone available the next day. Yes this was the other side of the world late at night in another country. I make this sound easy but many calls with creativity plus lots of guardian angels. The hotel clerk that used their account so that my daughter could send an e-mail. A librarian who allowed access to the internet for us to communicate with her are just a few of the kind souls who helped. And while this was going on we were also dealing with flooded roads. Common sense is do not drive through standing water if you cannot see the road. Watched a couple of trucks plow through, prayed and went for it. Water was over the running boards but smooth sailing, pun intended.
This was all while my wife and I were still in Texas.
A road rage incident in Tennessee the next day damaged my truck. In these stressful times people can respond with anger and frustration. This guy had run one truck off the road then pulled across the highway in front me coming to a stop blocking all traffic. Hard braking an a slight turn we missed the back door where a kid sat. We did hit him on the rear corner. By the grace of God we only had minor front end damage. The semi-truck behind us was able to stop or it could have been much worse. Still do not know the why but state police talked to him and issued like 4 or 5 citations.
This caused an over 2 hour delay but we pressed on. Arriving in New York we hunkered down packing and cleaning. News about London was not good so we found an earlier flight out for our daughter. The day she was suppose to fly we heard tales of woe from cancelled flights to delays. England shut down shortly after that.
Back in New York received word that our reserved trailer was not available. By the next day it had all been worked out and we got exactly what we needed.
The morning after retrieving our daughter from the airport we loaded up everything she had and left New York. New York City went on lock down the next day. Driving back to Texas was fun with no problems.
Trust in him during these perilous times

Copyright © 2020 New Hope Ministries, All rights reserved.



For many years I have felt a storm was coming. My imagination never did fathom this scenario. All that many had faith in has been stripped away. Job, money, fame and adoration are just a few of the things now gone. What is left, God, family and community!
Hopefully we will learn a valuable lesson of what is important. Keeping our priorities straight of God, Family, Ministry and job is a key to a good life.
Already I am hearing good stories of families and communities banding together. A father getting to know his kids on a deeper level. He also has discovered a deep appreciation for teachers. Communities across our great nation pooling resources and sharing.

Ideas of ”going on a bear hunt” were the neighborhood hides bears to be seen from the street to encourage family walks or a photo montage with neighbors creating scenes in their front yard of what “shelter in place” means to them. A creative photographer gave a time frame and walked her neighborhood.

Please, please keep in mind not only your needs but those around you. The elderly, infirm and pregnant and many more that need to be kept safe.

Copyright © 2020 New Hope Ministries, All rights reserved

Integrity & Honor versus Fear

Integrity & Honor versus Fear

I planned to write about integrity & honor. Wanted to plan on including a bit about the virus scare. We are living in a state of fear. But do you accept that or peace. We know where the fear comes from in this world. But we do not have a spirit of fear.
Integrity is about a strong moral character. The state of being whole and undivided.
Honor is adherence to what is right. When I hear this word I think about how a man honors his wife. The right choice to be true to her and his family. It also reminds me of my time in the army where we trusted the man next to you with your life.
These are trying times and some have questioned why. We do serve a might God. And we hear all the time about he can do all things and created all things.
A lesson I have taught many times is how trails make us stronger. When two or more gather together it makes a strong bond.
I truly believe that there is some good in all this. Many, including myself, are reevaluating what is important. My wife has pointed out the importance of bringing families and communities together. A tighter bond is being forged in the fire.
It is your choice to fear or have faith. Are you praying about your actions?
Be strong in family and community, honor those around you with peace and servitude. Now is the time to exhibit that strong moral character within by your actions.

Copyright © 2020 New Hope Ministries, All rights reserved.



Now a days it is hard to know who speaks the truth. With the election in full swing many truth stretchers, as they see themselves, need to be fact checked. A saying I like is that figures do not lie but liars figure. With statistics, social media and technology you can build a lie with ease. I find it humorous when on a news station they interview each other to prove a viewpoint as if it was truth. Many lies contain an element of truth and that makes them more believable. News organizations have become more bias plus social media gurus use algorithm and censorship to control what you see.
Now for some really good news!
Good news = Gospel = The Bible
You can always count on the truth from the Word of God. It can also help with everyday challenges.
But another piece of this truth is found in Community. The ones who you are in relationship with have the opportunity to speak truth to you in love. Helping hold you accountable in what God has called you to do and your everyday walk to become more like Jesus.
The cross is our rescue
Read Colossians 1:13-14
There is a darkness in our world. A dark power in our world and in us. We must be ever vigilant in who we align with and allow in our community.
We do not need a wolf among sheep.
Psalm 103. Cross dispels all darkness
I am a movie nut, especially disaster movies. The stories of survival, end of the world as we know it, so who will make it to the closing scene is a guessing game. Disaster movie scenarios make tough decisions of how ruthless they are or become. If your “group” contains those who take what they want, takes no prisoners and squanders their bounty then they are the bad guys. Another group helps others and shares what they have. The drama in most movies is that a villain joins the good group and destroys them from the inside. So what does this have to do with the truth? Knowing who you help and allow in your community is a tough decision. God is a champion of second chances but he also made clear in His Word the dangers of your earthly nature and practices of sinful people. There will be times when hard choices will be made. I have mentioned before the sadness in my heart when my daughter had to leave a ministry house. What has helped me to have a peace that passes all understanding is prayer, community and seeking God in all things.
Trust him. What would you do in a similar situation? Draw close to him now before a crises arises.

In closing I would like to mention a project that is happening now.
Check it out. In my neck of the woods 89 churches have come together to deliver a Christian video, Bible, tracts and church invitation to every home in this city I call home. Not to late to take on your home town.

Copyright © 2020 New Hope Ministries, All rights reserved.



I have a confession about Me. Many times when a conversation starts my mind comes up with a story about my past. Being a storyteller is one of my strengths but sometimes is a weakness because of Me.
Yes, if you continue to focus on yourself you fail to learn about others. Questions and truly listing is the way to build relationships. Not a bombardment of who are you and what are your dreams but simple ones that helps that person talk about themselves. It is a fine balance or art form if you will to have a genuine conversation. Community is built through this interaction. Storytelling is good to teach life lessons. Remember community and relationships are built with respect and integrity.

When you receive the same message from two different sources in a short period of time, please listen. I do get awe inspired when my quite time and Sunday’s sermon refer to the same Bible verse and/or lesson.

Commit your works unto the Lord and your plans succeed
Isiah 43:15-21
Mathew 4:18-22

Key thought, God is in the salvage business. Making old things like new is a theme through out scripture.
He has changed ME and continues the work in progress. This journey now is bringing me closer to him and working on some rough edges. We are all called to some purpose, so where do we start. Go, do what you are supposed to do! And what is that exactly? Well it starts with regular time with God. I have mentioned before how a journal works for me plus several regular devotionals. He will show you a way. Do not be afraid that he will call you to drop everything and follow him but he could. My life has ever been evolving with world and neighborhood ministry and so much more. Now it is a blog that weekly causes me to seek him for words to write that are helping me grow.

When the reality of a situation changes hang onto your dream you have been given. We usually do not teach are kids to fail. Winning is everything in this world and you get a trophy for participating. Sometimes God quiets the storm other times he gives us a peace within the storm.

There are those who come to kill, steal and destroy all that you have. Your dream represents hope which is your future.

Routine is good. But in the middle of that HE enters in. Make sure it is him!
Do you have peace in your spirit?

Self centered I still struggle with.

GOD salvaged the whole world

Commit these words to God
To his glory not Me
Take these stories and make sure they glorify him

So what is the take away from all of these random thoughts. For ME, lay aside myself and focus on God’s plan. I am late with this posting and blame being ill the last few days. But I need not beat myself up but rise up and complete the task put before me. If I commit this blog to Him, that is all that matters.

Copyright © 2020 New Hope Ministries, All rights reserved.



Broken system

Broken people

I started this blog Monday as I was chilling down in Galveston on a foggy morning close to the beach.  Tuesday night, at a Banquet, my mind was opened up to many revelations and connectivism of thoughts.  Mainly what is broken are relationships.

We live in a fallen world!  What does that mean exactly? Before, there was a perfect world then sin entered in. Yes, I strongly believe in freedom of choice. Everyday we have options to consider. From the mundane of should I get out of bed to God show me someone I can witness too. Life changing, altering decisions can occur from the simple to the bigger choices. Back to fallen world and how Satan has free reign when the relationship with God was broken by choice. Spiritually and morally degraded is our current world. Sinful natures abound and we must choose to close our mind and eyes to many temptations.  We are relational beings and sin separates us from God.  The choice to reconnect is ours and followed by choices made to remain in right relationship through Jesus Christ with God.

Here are some thoughts on areas to contemplate:

• from joyful obedience to God’s rules so as to fulfill His superlative design for our lives into lawless rebellion and constant frustration and warfare at every level of society (Genesis 3:14–16; James 4:1–10)

• from the beauty, tranquility, and vitality of godly family life into a cesspool of sexual-identify confusion, domestic strife, and aimlessness (Genesis 3:16; Romans 1:14—2:16; Galatians 5:19–21)

Part of my revelations tied several parts of LIVE and RICH together.  Both have a community piece in their design.  Relationships equals community plus is good for the body and soul.  Immigrants coming to American need to be a part of a social and relational community.  Learning from each other, being supportive in their dream for a better life all comes from community.

I advocate not an open house but a friendly open home.  Open borders can create strife and danger to a community.  Just look at the news about Europe with crime and internal strife.  God has blessed me with a home and resources.  I do share with those in need but, and that is a big but, prayer goes first and God’s design will be followed.

To give an example I want to share my daughters story.  For many years she has chosen a path of drugs which has resulted in homelessness.  My help, in various forms, has been offered to aid her life changing choices.  On one occasion she accepted a room at a ministry house that I was responsible for with three basic stipulations.  No drugs, not a crash pad and keep it clean.  She quickly broke all three, failed a drug test and regrettably was back out on the streets.  Her choice and yet it was me who asked her to leave. 

Most people think poverty is lack of food, shelter and clothing, material things.  When you talk to someone who is in poverty the voices say psychological and social problems.  Mental health is a big issue, with self medication and little help.  The theory of being RICH to get out of poverty is a tongue in cheek way of saying the truth is in Respect Integrity Community & Having fun.  Respect and Integrity goes both ways in a relationship.  Understanding and getting to know someone’s story is very important.  Not assuming your game plan of material things is the fix.  Homelessness is a deeper issue and a quick fix is not in the cards.  You must walk along side an immigrant or a person in poverty.

In closing remember the old saying, preach the gospel and use words if you have too.  Show in your life how you are respectful, exhibit qualities of being honest and having strong moral principles, moral uprightness.

Copyright © 2020 New Hope Ministries, All rights reserved.

A Kind Word

A Kind Word

You will sometimes never know when a kind word spoken to a stranger has a lasting impact.  Sunday, on the way into church, I felt the urge to speak to a man walking into church with a box of donuts.  Simply mentioning that the person who brings donuts is greatly appreciated allowed a conversation to start.

Later the thought of being kind to others and speaking the truth became the subject of this blog.  After a mission trip we have a practice of asking questions like, What is your best memory of this trip?  This allows individuals to package memories for future storage.  Of course you get a few funny ones like, buff thighs, got to love those squat potties.   I was reminded of one such trip where a young lady mentioned the talk we had about her dad.  To me it was a short encounter that occurred when she almost fell through a plate glass window.  The conversation was more of a distraction while I checked her hair, hands and face for cuts or glass.  She was very lucky that I grabbed the back of her shirt when she fell face first into the window.  Our discussion centered on abba father our protector which opened the door about her dad. 

I mentioned this now because a lot of people are scared to talk to strangers or to be vulnerable.  We are taught from an early age not to talk to strangers.  In this day and time it has become more scary out there but with the holy spirit and community we can be safer.

My Christian growth was enhanced by becoming more involved with the church through prayer.  Praying for others, situations and myself meant talking to strangers.  I now appear more sociable but still am very closed.  My strengths are organization and trouble shooting, not people but working on that.  People going on mission trips, I would gladly pray and occasionally donate then wave goodbye on the send off.  On one trip, youth told me that not enough chaperones were available so I was asked to apply.  There was a lot of begging also so I gave in and my life was changed.  Over the years I learned a lot about ministry, giving a helping hand up and grew in my faith and what God can and will do.   

Surely you have heard of the teaching of pray, send and go.  This is a calling on our lives to be involved with those around us.  Some are called to pray, others to be senders, then the goers.  This is a recipe for starting LIVE or being RICH.  Everybody and anybody can find a place in a community.  We all have strengths, a calling and plans for you.    Open yourself to a big world.  Become involved.

Copyright © 2020 New Hope Ministries, All rights reserved.



I am a person who likes to plan.  Making a list, checking it twice, finding out who or what is next.  Relying on my knowledge, experience and analytical strengths kept me moving forward.  Then I met God and all that changed.  No, not in a blink of an eye, but learned experiences increased my faith, strengthened my still small voice and figuring out not to rely on my own understanding.  I still make lists though. 

When I first was given the idea of LIVE my brain went to town devising methodologies, steps to take and structure.  Some of it was sound but other ideas crazy.  After sending off the idea to my Congressman and the White House I settled down to what does He want.  The idea of this blog came to mind, which lead to guidance and donations to pay for the web site.

First step is really not that at all but on your knees or sitting still seeking Him.  I have kept a journal for decades and this has helped me sort out plus keep track of life.  Humans have a peculiar habit of doing things the same way, Yep habit.  What has worked for me in the past is tried and true.  We become stuck in the same old, same old.

Here are some random thoughts on how things could start the ball rolling on LIVE.  I am sure He has it all figured out so by taking a step, more is revealed and a moving object is easier to direct.  On the one hand laws or procedures in the federal government need to change.  I am not a lawyer, but I know that it takes a lot of pushing to obtain permission to “adopt” an immigrant.  I do not want or suggest having a big government program.  What we need is permission.  As I mentioned earlier it will be run by volunteers and overseen by a volunteer committee.  How exactly this would work I only have a clue but 90% of a problem is available (my belief) so we the people need to devise the 10% balance. 

While this movement is mobilizing we can get prepared.  In my circle of friends, associates, acquaintances and “I know somebody who knows somebody” a community will be formed.  Housing, food and jobs are the basics but much more will be needed.  Landlords, realtors, food banks, resale shops and business leaders will be useful.  I know of a legal ministry that works with immigrants.  Training and education for language and jobs are a few of the areas that will be needed.  You must learn about their culture, lifestyle and what does it take to be an American citizen.  A community is needed to provide guidance and be there for each other.

One big rule I have learned in ministry is that there is no hard and fast rule.  Learn to be flexible, adapting to God’s will and plan.  The church you are a part of, and need to be as part of LIVE, might not be the one God leads your new neighbor to be a part of. 

Copyright © 2020 New Hope Ministries, All rights reserved.



What if you had a chance to do something that would change the World forever?  Think about that for a moment.

An old joke about beauty pageants is when contestants are asked a question about their goals the response is world peace.

What if you could bring that to reality?

That is not practical in the here & now universe but how about in your world.  Your community is your world and a great place to start spreading love and understanding.  Perfect peace can only be obtained through the one who defines love.

A person’s reach should exceed their grasp.  That allows the opportunity to be stretched and growth will occur.

While you chew on that for awhile also consider this picture in your head.  Freedom is a choir

Singing hallelujah in front of a stain glass window on Sunday morning (sounds like a song).

The point I am making is that you start with the here and now.  Where you work, the neighborhood where you live, the church you attend and events you participate in.  You bloom where you are planted. 

Principles utilized to help prevent poverty are the same when it comes to immigration.  Teaching people how to be RICH with Christian principals provides them a foundation.  But you can not come at them trying to fix them without first understanding where they are coming from.  You need to know their history and that comes through relationships.  Being open, vulnerable and sharing your inner being or beast.  As I said before we are all unique but common ground can be found.  Lording over someone is not the way to appreciate their struggles, strengths and friendship.  Community is built on respect, integrity and having fun.  Togetherness built on sharing the truth.

Copyright © 2020 New Hope Ministries, All rights reserved.