Author: Sir Robert The Bruce

After many years in ministry I have been led to share my thoughts, stories and a rich life living for Christ.


Before I get into the current topic a little up date on Me. Major changes have occurred recently from my final days at my Waco job, my wife starting a new job at a new school (she is a great teacher) and my daughter going off to Grad school (proud poppa) in Scotland. I drove all day and night from Texas to Florida to get back to my family at our new home in Florida. It has been a long and arduous journey with many challenges, trials and blessings these past few months. This time has helped me see the hand of God on my life, decisions being made and some of the fruit my family has been involved in. When I turned the corner of a back road, just before the final leg home, I was greeted with a beautiful sight. At that moment I realized this was definitely a dawn of a new season, not only for me but my family. Thank you God for all you do and showing me this beautiful insight. Hope you enjoy the sunrise as much as I do.

For sometime the subject of information control has been on my mind. Constantly I see the censorship happening in the news and internet. For those who do not realize, algorithms control what your search brings up on the internet. These should be unbiased but take note of the majority of feedback you are directed too. Also notice what is missing. Many times you really have to dig before alternative viewpoints are even mentioned. Recently Facebook, Google, Twitter and other internet sites censored a group of doctors who posted information about COVID. These were doctors with a viewpoint that was different from what mainstream media has been feeding the populace. The lady who headed up the group was an ER doctor working in California. She lost her job because of being outspoken. Research this topic and hopefully you can find some of the details, unless it has been totally pulled.

COVID is an illness with a 99 percent survivability rate. Fact check this percentage but also realize that many death rates are inflated. If you had COVID and died months later of a heart attack you were counted as a COVID death. The vast majority of individuals who contract it are going to live. They will recover and move on with life, just like with any other virus. It’s time to take back our lives, our liberty, and get back to doing the things we’ve always done.
Coronavirus is here to stay. So instead of cowering in fear, let’s just deal with it.

The left in America has done a bang up job of convincing the vast majority of the population that systemic racism in this country is still a thing. It isn’t. Not even a little bit. It was dismantled a long time ago. And our nation has been stronger for it. This is the land of opportunity and a person’s skin color shouldn’t matter in the slightest. Treat everyone with love!
We’re all Americans. We all should have equal rights under the law. Sure, our legal system is extremely flawed and broken, thanks in large part to Democratic legislation and policy, but that can easily be fixed. We don’t need to burn the world to the ground over something that doesn’t even exist.
Here’s to hoping one day, Americans get back to treating each other like normal human beings without walking on eggshells around each other and judging one another by race.

Dialogue is increasingly turning into a diatribe on our campuses, on our streets, and in our media. We are losing this opportunity to reach a consensus because of rising violence and intolerance for opposing views. If we are to come together as a nation, we have to be able to speak to one another freely and without fear. Have you tried to have a rational discussion with a college student lately. When folks aren’t given accurate data and information, when they are spoon fed a certain narrative by the mainstream media over and over and over again, these individuals will come to believe what they are being told is true.
What the media and information technology are doing is painting all whites with the same brush. We are all racist. Atonement for our transgressions, real and imagined, must occur now.
Whites should become sub servant to their needs and wants

The campaigns of intimidation and retaliation against those with dissenting views causes many to be silent.

If you are not saying their ideology you run the risk of being shut down, censored or fired

It’s pretty significant that, in an unprecedented move, the social media giant has censored Trump’s tweets specifically about the election. Yet what is allowed to go unchecked are the posting from Hollywood elite who accuse our president of all kinds of unfounded accusations.
Is it even possible to deny that they have a specific political agenda that they are using their vast near-monopoly over the flow of information to achieve? Where is the justice department in all of this. It is starting to seem like China where data and information are controlled by a few. Some organizations state that they have advisory committees that review what is censored. Dig into their backgrounds and you will find overwhelming circumstances of the same ideologies of these committee’s members.

My mind is not on the fog but my God
Believe God hears our prayer and HE will deliver
I believe all things can be done. Speak up and out

He will supply all of your needs, including insight and wisdom, if you just ask.

Sir Robert The Bruce

Warriors Creed

Warriors Creed

If you have every served in the military, first thanks for your service. Very few sign on the dotted line to lay down their lives for the benefit of others. Many have made the ultimate sacrifice so others could live and be free. Please do not take that gift lightly.

In the army we had a warriors creed. They drilled that into us and a multitude of core values. When you are faced with tough decisions, chaos and moral dilemmas you have to have something to hang onto.

Let me share some of these values and thoughts:

I am a warrior and a member of a team. I serve the people of the United State ,and live the Army Values. I will always place the mission first. I will never accept defeat. I will never quit.

To me, living the Soldier’s Creed in my daily life means having the willingness to take a stand for what is right in spite of adverse consequences. This courage, forged in the fires of adversity throughout the history of the Army, has sustained Soldiers like me during the chaos, perils, and hardships of combat.

The ethos of the Army is that of the soldier serving the nation: mentally and physically tough, and with the courage to win. Courage, Initiative and Teamwork. Courage is more than facing the physical dangers of battle, it is doing what is right and fair with a sense of duty and compassion.
The Army’s core values are:
• Loyalty
• Duty
• Respect
• Selfless-Service
• Honor
• Integrity
• Personal Courage

Six American core values: liberty, self-government, equality, individualism, diversity, and unity.

7 Core Values Every Child Needs
1. Interdependence rather than independence.
2. Resiliency.
3. Respect for Self.
4. A relationship with God.
5. Integrity.
6. Strong Work Ethic.
7. Dreaming and Imagining Possibilities.

Take a moment to dwell of these truths. Are they evident in your life, family and those you surround yourself with.

I am a Christian and these code of values are also mirrored in the RICH used as part of my teachings. RICH has been explained in prior postings and in these days and times has become critical to everyday life.

You are under constant attack. If you do not belief that then either you are running with evil or in denial. So what can you do about current circumstances besides embracing the values and codes listed above. Be closer to God four easy steps, right (sarcasm intended). There are some simple things that can be done and if you have ever stepped into a church or met a Christian the truth is self evident. Bottom line is we are all unique and special. What works for one does not work for all. Reading the word, writing down what it means to you and just sitting quietly are great things to do.

Read Philippians 4 and a Proverb a day to start.

Other tidbits to think about:

One of the most soul-sucking, draining, and absurd practices being done now is the adoption of “cancel culture” in which anybody, anywhere can be punished via things like job loss, show cancellation, removal from social media platforms, and whatever other means they can employ to damage and destroy someone who has at literally any point in their entire lives said or done anything even remotely offensive.

Cancel culture “misunderstands the main purposes of life which is to have fun”, Cleese told Reuters, referring to the trend in which people are ostracised because of behaviour or remarks seen as objectionable.

You always make each day such a special day by just your being you. There’s only one person in the whole world like you, and I like you just the way you are. Thank you Mister Rogers
Lord, thank You for loving me just as I am. Help me, please, as I strive to love my neighbors, and myself, as You would have me love them.
Sir Robert the Bruce

Siren Call

Siren Call

What exactly does that mean? Something that is very appealing and makes a person want to go somewhere or do something but that may have bad results. I believe that is what is happening in our society today. News media is bias and not to be trusted.
For me I want people to understand that now is the time to come together. The USA is ever changing and the “good old days” as we know are fading into the past. I am not, hopefully, am alarmist that the end is near but we need to have a come to Jesus moment. What we have been through is just the first wave of major changes in our world.
This past week I have had several conversations about the people’s state of mind. For some it is abject fear and they are sheltering in place. Others plow through the obstacles and continue to live large. I have been around the USA and seen shops closed while others are following protocols to stay open. At one location in Orlando only one restaurant in an entertainment district was open, the rest were like a ghost town. Lawyers and financial planners are seeing more business as people get their affairs in order. An attorney in Florida is offering free will preparation for teachers. Let that sink in for a moment. Like soldiers going off to war, they know the possibility of death is a reality. Bottom line folks is that death has always been a reality. We are not promised another day or hour. I am all for carpe diem. Long ago I came to grips with death being a realty and try my darndest to make every hour, minute and day be what is best. I have failed in some areas, and still do, but pick my self up by the boot straps if need be and carry on. Sometimes I sit in a moody blue state and lick my wounds. But days, like today, I did my happy dance for finally doing something I have tried to accomplish for nine months.
So what is next? I am wrapping up my time in Waco and moving into the next mission. I have mentioned this before in other writings that the path is not fully defined yet but know that writing and this blog is a step. I will focus on my code of values, which also is my declared key to get out of poverty, during this transition period. Being “RICH’’ must happen for me to move forward. To refresh your memory or for newbies Respect-Integrity-Community-Have Fun. I believe that speaking to groups is part of the new mission. Roundtable discussion with the give and take that happens when people share is what I believe is part of that mission. Be it Christian walk, community development, immigration or getting out of poverty I am open. If you are interested in getting a group together for such a purpose, please leave a comment. I am still learning and not certain how to open conversations but will do my best.
Most of you have no idea what to do or what’s is coming. Some of you do! This is not a fight about you or me nor our stuff. This is a fight for our existence, our family, moral rights and what is right.
What is important is what happens in the next few hours, days, months and years. Our actions will determine our community’s moral character. That is the responsibility we have in the here and now. If standing our ground comes at a terrible costs so be it. That is the only way things get better. And the only way people stay free. Think of the one who gave his all so we could be free. First and foremost we must always act in love. That is the greatest commandment.

This is it, what I am talking about.

This is it, what I am talking about.

Community coming together to help and protect one another. The last four weeks have been the hardest and most blessed in my life.

In my previous posting I mentioned about being attacked and a list of trials. The move happened with friends. But getting the first load to Florida was only the beginning.

When I returned to Waco my main goal was to clean the house and move out all remaining stuff. As I look back it is hard to fathom all of the help that has came to my rescue. Friends that have walked the ministry path with me for more years than I can count helped with a garage sale. Their daughter, who I first met as one of the Christ Like Kids, brought her family. Her husband’s friendly, outgoing and great salesmanship enabled us to have the best garage sale every.
Coworkers came through, one who sent her daughter and grandson plus another with her husband helped tremendously. Mother and son were a constant source of labor. Couple duo hauled off two big loads for their church garage sale and bought stuff.

A friend and man of God that we walk together in ministry with showed up with a trailer. A dump load and furniture store drop off more was gone.
Another coworker with a trailer did five loads of scrap metal, two dump, furniture and donations.

The cavalry of volunteers came from one of our programs. A new good friend arrived for the final push of loading the truck and the final dump load.

I hope you begin to comprehend the scope of the mountain I built over the years.

A six car garage plus half the house had to be liquidated. The sale, Church donation, two ministries plus several trips to the dump and the miracle of empty garages happened. Because Budget failed us with our truck reservation (long story) we had to load and reload.

But while all of us where working on the mountain of collectibles, four hardy souls were scrubbing the house top to bottom. The were hired by an anonymous person who is the best example of being Christ Like that I know.

No matter how big a mountain you build God has a way and plan to get you over, around, through or move it out of the way.

In these trying times keep the faith and lean not on your own understanding. Community is what is so important when the world turns upside down.

Peace Be With You #2

Peace Be With You #2

Peace be with you and know I am God. Having a peaceful Sunday morning sitting in my back yard. Toby, my fateful Terrier, is chilling in the grass. His last Sunday morning here with me enjoying a cool Texas morning.

In a few days time we move and as many knows a stressful time. Adding to the mix is my limited mobility with a disc in my back ruptured. My wife, bless her heart, is picking up a lot of the slack but also has pain.

I do, We do, have a sense of peace. In my blog some of our blessings have been described. Now for more of the story.

If you are not part of a community be active and become part of one. Community can be church, work, circle of friends and so many other options. I do have problems accepting help. That is my confession today. More blessed to give than receive. It is also in many of our macho DNA. God has worked on me in this area before and is a good lesson to learn. It may be uncomfortable but sitting in the back seat is a good thing. This goes beyond letting God drive but relinquishing total control.
New friends are being made, here and in Florida, with offers of help. Meals being delivered to take a burden off my wife. A boss willing to crawl in the rafters to retrieve a walker. Plus they have done and offered so much more. Who would of thought that grandmother’s walker would be needed by me. A mother and daughter, who where part of our life group, came over and packed for hours. Some many other stories and blessings.
If you are in pickle always know God has your back. It may be tough this growing spell but rewards are awesome. Saying good by, not really we will keep in touch, to such a great community is tough. But God has already given us glimpses of our next missions.
We will see you on the other side my friends and look forward to that joyful celebration.

Copyright © 2020 New Hope Ministries, All rights reserved.




Right now I am sitting in my recliner with an ice pack on my back. I can barely walk and have been unable to work much the past few days. In exactly two weeks we move into our new house. That still small voice says “I got this”. Looking around at the packing to be completed, thinking of my garages full with collectibles plus the host of what if’s.

I got faith, right?

My wife and I pray for strength and wisdom. She is also fighting her own battles. We agree that, do not know how, but all things will work out. Time is relevant but God has a way. He created all things including us.
Looking back at the journey so far, the miracles are very evident. COVID virus created many issues but also training in working remotely plus a stimulus check. The trip to rescue our daughter from New York including the accident in Tennessee all had meaning. A closeness with the whole family unit before she attends graduate school across the ocean. Drama and trauma from the accident, an insurance settlement helps with the next adventure.
These are pieces of a puzzle that were unseen prior to an event. Trust in him, there is no other way. Lessons are being learned. With every attack, God can make it right. He can make a way when there seems to be no way Have Faith.



Fear can paralyze you or motivate you. A whole host of what ifs can enter your mind. There are those who have a problem for every solution. Others push through the obstacles and persevere. Not every thing in this world is a lock. Preparation and perspiration holds a lot of way. Your community of friends having your back is paramount. They can hold you accountable and lend a hand. Be it overcoming an addiction, citizenship or meeting a life goal. There are times for solitude but social interaction with friends has got to happen.
The next time you are paralyzed by fear, pray. Is God trying to warn you about something? Does he want you to pause and reflect? Is it time to suck it up buttercup and push through. Sometimes it takes your community’s prayers to shine a light on the right move. He does not give us a spirit of fear but power, light and a sound mind.
With this move to Florida it is Tiff’s first really big move. She’s has ventured forth to college but Waco is her home. For me I have moved and traveled much. God’s uprooting and starting anew has given me knowledge of grace, mercy and blessings. Trusting him started with small things and grew from there. As a couple we both fully trust in him. So many things are falling into place. Job, resources and house just to name a few are making it happen. I still have some apprehension about the four car garage of collectibles but He has a way.
Pray today for those in fear or troubled. Job, home, family and a host of other traumas plus dramas. Today we were suppose to be at our daughters college graduation. She got up as planned, donned a pretty dress (worn for the first time) then went online to toast and celebrate her friend’s. She is a hero in my book. Laughing, crying and lifting up those in her community. Praise God.



Sometimes we get on our high horses and become aloof. We believe that our way is the best and only course of action. We become stuck in ourselves.
Learn to get off your horse and stand firmly on the ground. Become rooted in God’s purposes and ways. Respond with love kindness and understanding. Having the best intentions can be destroyed by a bad attitude.

If it is broke leave it. Not a person but stuff.

Priorities are important so that things can get done.

What does all of this mean when taken together? For me it is trust and obey. In these crazy times when the world is turned upside down, I often find myself questioning which way I will go and what actions I should take. My to do list has overtaken my life and added stress. Just the basic question of who is allowed into my “bubble” and controlling my environment has a life and death outcome.

This is the time to turn to God. Trust in him for all things, including protection. My family is moving to Florida, as I have mentioned, but that undertaking can be overwhelming. Buying a house from a web site with pretty pictures (some photo shopped) and an agent who “walks us through via facetime” is scary. Not my ways but his way be done. The whole process is stressful but in the end we found a beautiful home with blessings that keep coming. Just last night the sellers asked if we wanted some furniture they planned not to take. My wife had searched for similar items to replace what we were not taking so now furniture is provided at a fraction of the anticipated cost.

The great purge of my decades of accumulated items is on the way. Years of collectibles are being sold, given and trashed. Our family prays, seeks guidance, and obtains peace. Needs are being met. How many unfinished projects are not going to Florida? I am learning more and more the master plan. A funny saying suggests that we plan and God laughs then blesses us beyond our understanding. The house provided does not have as much storage. Clutter be gone and simple life abounds. This unburdening will allow me to focus on the next adventure in a tranquil environment.

My post our more focused on God now and what he is doing in my life. I have promoted my blog more and have received comments about grammar and spelling. This is what happens when you have a lot of teacher friends. Having a reviewer is on the list but right now just getting thoughts posted is the goal. (This is Haley. I am apparently the review right now. I am not being paid and cannot leave the house. Please send snacks.) I am looking forward to times of sitting in my Florida room, writing about God and the other projects (RICH & LIVE). God Bless

War & Peace

War & Peace

During war a time comes that a soldier realizes that the guy next to him is willing to die for him and others in the unit. That simplifies life but why does it take war to crystallize that feeling.
Our current crises has had a similar effect on what is important. It has been mentioned we are at war. First responders are standing in the gap to defend us. Family and friends are being drawn closer together. As we grow closer, trust and unity is enhanced. This is called relationships as you learn to lean on one another. Have faith in God and your relationships.

My family is starting a new adventure. Time spent together is strengthening our marriage and family. When we move, we will need to depend upon each other even more. This is not retirement for me! I believe that 20 more years of God’s work is ahead. We serve an awesome God who gives us the desires of our heart. Tiff loves kids and the beach so this job plus location is a blessing. For sometime now it has been on my heart to write and teach. Many divine connections, training and insights have helped me move along this path. Sometimes I have been slow to act quickly and completely which has become learning experiences.
One of my failures is collectibles 😊. My wife calls most of it junk. My dumpster diving and curb side collections have stopped, mostly. The great purge has begun so follow tiff on face book to get the latest offering. Should of, could have had a garage sale like I felt must be done. So for now I will drag out stuff, post and wait. Tonight we made over $200 on bikes. We are being blessed as the next journey looms on the horizon. I mentioned all of this because when God calls you to step out in faith he will provide. Might not be a four car garage of collectibles but there is always a way.

Another important point is God’s protection. I was reminded of this twice this week, once from my Bible reading (the great exodus) and another from my daughters posting 4-19-2020.
From my daughter
On this morning 25 years ago I was mad! Mad because my sister didn’t wake up so I could take her to the social security office this morning as planned I told her I wanted to be there at 9:00 so we could beat the line. The wait here was always horrible and you could spend all day waiting to see someone. So since I was already up and dressed I decide to run other errands and I sat by McDonald’s on Main Street in Yukon waiting to turn on to Route 66 the ground shook and I thought OMG was that an earthquake and then all the radio stations started to broadcast about the bombing and at that moment I realized even thou I was Mad at her she saved our lives and the lives of 3 of my future children. I always use the phrase that good or bad things happen for a reason. I truly believe God had a hand in this and it was not our time. I will never forget this day.

My sister Amy posted this talking about us that day I do remember that day and I was awake and usually when Amy has something planned I am always ready when she wants to go cause I know she would be mad if I wasn’t but that morning I felt like feet were made of concrete and a force was stopping me for going out the door it was weird couldn’t explain it then I felt my apartment shake & I heard what happened

Always pray for you kids.



As we progress through these dark times of a pandemic I hear a lot of woes but also blessings. I have also learned about being obedient, kind and understanding not only to my sheltered family but also fellow workers and those who take care of our needs. A good saying is to preach the gospel and use words if you have too. Many times we say one thing and do another. Matthew 23 has a list of woes on teachers of the law and religious leaders. Stop being hypocrites! Is a clear lesson for all to learn.
A lesson taught to me long ago is the number game. In the field, while evangelizing, our good work was “tracked” by the number of salvations obtained. One of those aha moments was why not go deeper. Yea some sow and others reap but a true relationship looks at the inside of the person. Not to condemn or find fault but understand their hurt, joy, sorrows and gifts.
Pride is another vice that must fall. It is a lesson I relearn often. Spending more time with family my spirit would shut me up and just listen. Listen to not only their feelings but ideas. My way is not the only or best way. When my wife reads this I am sure she will print and highlight this section.
Patience, do not remember praying for more of this gift but have received loads of opportunities to practice. Workers, not only those who serve with me but also others that serve me in many ways. Places are closed, staff stressed and service at times hard to find. Heck even the IRS has shut down all phone lines and offices. Remember to be kind in spirit and deed. You do not always know what a kind word or hug (air hug now) can accomplish.
Obedience to your spirit, family and authority is a key to surviving this crises. I am sometimes complacent and forget to distance, mask or gloves which not only puts me at risk but those around me. Yes I drove across the USA at the start of the pandemic but had a peace of mind and spirit that it was the right thing to do. My story was told in a previous post and hindsight has proven the value of this choice. I do not know what is on the other side of tomorrow but the one I trust does.
My hope is in you LORD! My faith is in you Lord! Do you hear my hope roar.
Be safe out there. Have patience because this too will past. The son will come out tomorrow.
Yay, corny and repetitive but works.