
Before I get into the current topic a little up date on Me. Major changes have occurred recently from my final days at my Waco job, my wife starting a new job at a new school (she is a great teacher) and my daughter going off to Grad school (proud poppa) in Scotland. I drove all day and night from Texas to Florida to get back to my family at our new home in Florida. It has been a long and arduous journey with many challenges, trials and blessings these past few months. This time has helped me see the hand of God on my life, decisions being made and some of the fruit my family has been involved in. When I turned the corner of a back road, just before the final leg home, I was greeted with a beautiful sight. At that moment I realized this was definitely a dawn of a new season, not only for me but my family. Thank you God for all you do and showing me this beautiful insight. Hope you enjoy the sunrise as much as I do.
For sometime the subject of information control has been on my mind. Constantly I see the censorship happening in the news and internet. For those who do not realize, algorithms control what your search brings up on the internet. These should be unbiased but take note of the majority of feedback you are directed too. Also notice what is missing. Many times you really have to dig before alternative viewpoints are even mentioned. Recently Facebook, Google, Twitter and other internet sites censored a group of doctors who posted information about COVID. These were doctors with a viewpoint that was different from what mainstream media has been feeding the populace. The lady who headed up the group was an ER doctor working in California. She lost her job because of being outspoken. Research this topic and hopefully you can find some of the details, unless it has been totally pulled.
COVID is an illness with a 99 percent survivability rate. Fact check this percentage but also realize that many death rates are inflated. If you had COVID and died months later of a heart attack you were counted as a COVID death. The vast majority of individuals who contract it are going to live. They will recover and move on with life, just like with any other virus. It’s time to take back our lives, our liberty, and get back to doing the things we’ve always done.
Coronavirus is here to stay. So instead of cowering in fear, let’s just deal with it.
The left in America has done a bang up job of convincing the vast majority of the population that systemic racism in this country is still a thing. It isn’t. Not even a little bit. It was dismantled a long time ago. And our nation has been stronger for it. This is the land of opportunity and a person’s skin color shouldn’t matter in the slightest. Treat everyone with love!
We’re all Americans. We all should have equal rights under the law. Sure, our legal system is extremely flawed and broken, thanks in large part to Democratic legislation and policy, but that can easily be fixed. We don’t need to burn the world to the ground over something that doesn’t even exist.
Here’s to hoping one day, Americans get back to treating each other like normal human beings without walking on eggshells around each other and judging one another by race.
Dialogue is increasingly turning into a diatribe on our campuses, on our streets, and in our media. We are losing this opportunity to reach a consensus because of rising violence and intolerance for opposing views. If we are to come together as a nation, we have to be able to speak to one another freely and without fear. Have you tried to have a rational discussion with a college student lately. When folks aren’t given accurate data and information, when they are spoon fed a certain narrative by the mainstream media over and over and over again, these individuals will come to believe what they are being told is true.
What the media and information technology are doing is painting all whites with the same brush. We are all racist. Atonement for our transgressions, real and imagined, must occur now.
Whites should become sub servant to their needs and wants
The campaigns of intimidation and retaliation against those with dissenting views causes many to be silent.
If you are not saying their ideology you run the risk of being shut down, censored or fired
It’s pretty significant that, in an unprecedented move, the social media giant has censored Trump’s tweets specifically about the election. Yet what is allowed to go unchecked are the posting from Hollywood elite who accuse our president of all kinds of unfounded accusations.
Is it even possible to deny that they have a specific political agenda that they are using their vast near-monopoly over the flow of information to achieve? Where is the justice department in all of this. It is starting to seem like China where data and information are controlled by a few. Some organizations state that they have advisory committees that review what is censored. Dig into their backgrounds and you will find overwhelming circumstances of the same ideologies of these committee’s members.
My mind is not on the fog but my God
Believe God hears our prayer and HE will deliver
I believe all things can be done. Speak up and out
He will supply all of your needs, including insight and wisdom, if you just ask.
Sir Robert The Bruce