Story Telling
Once again I am filled with random thoughts and tidbits of information. Sometimes it takes time to see what direction to go and the best way to say it. Fill in “it” is the challenge. My sweet daughter reminds me to “use complete sentences.” An old saying from my youth training days “You can do it if you put your mind too it” reminds and refreshes my thoughts. It comes to me that I am a story teller with a long history of experiences, struggles, bad/good choices but most of all great blessings.
A story I love to tell is about a Butterfly who must go through struggle to change from being a “lowly worm”. He did have self esteem issues and his place in life of crawling around on the low places was not to his liking. One day he wrapped himself up in a big cocoon to escape the world. A change started to occur but at first he could not escape. Struggle as he could, to the best of his strength, the cocoon remained intact. A new day came and he was determined to squeeze at of this restrictive environment. As he twisted to and fro the cocoon gave some and he was able to slowly squeeze parts of his body free. Being free he was able to open his wings and begin to fly high above the land. Later he learned his twisting and struggle squeezed excess water from his body. If this had not occurred death was also most certain.
Sometimes God moves you through life slowly, learning through experiences. Struggles, weathering storms, unique experiences based upon changing perspectives, all strengthen our character. Sometimes he quiets the storm but other times he quiets us.
We live in a world full of hate and anger. Individuals want to extract revenge and get their pound of flesh. Yes we live in a fallen world where darkness runs rampant. As Christians we need to act differently. Our motives and thoughts should not be full of malice,
Obedience and love for God should be our only motivation. This is a great time to practice
Now for the random thoughts that are not complete sentences but good to keep in mind.
Sometimes we do not learn the first time. Consider Peter who multiple times had to be told three times before believing.
You are good enough
God loves you no matter WHAT
Told it is impossible until it is not
We live in a world of possibilities
We will win this fight.
Perfect love? There is only one but we must try our best
Believe in yourself
Believe in your dreams. Your goals in life are more imaginable. Possible
Sir Robert The Bruce