Author: Sir Robert The Bruce

After many years in ministry I have been led to share my thoughts, stories and a rich life living for Christ.
Story Telling

Story Telling

Once again I am filled with random thoughts and tidbits of information. Sometimes it takes time to see what direction to go and the best way to say it. Fill in “it” is the challenge. My sweet daughter reminds me to “use complete sentences.” An old saying from my youth training days “You can do it if you put your mind too it” reminds and refreshes my thoughts. It comes to me that I am a story teller with a long history of experiences, struggles, bad/good choices but most of all great blessings.

A story I love to tell is about a Butterfly who must go through struggle to change from being a “lowly worm”. He did have self esteem issues and his place in life of crawling around on the low places was not to his liking. One day he wrapped himself up in a big cocoon to escape the world. A change started to occur but at first he could not escape. Struggle as he could, to the best of his strength, the cocoon remained intact. A new day came and he was determined to squeeze at of this restrictive environment. As he twisted to and fro the cocoon gave some and he was able to slowly squeeze parts of his body free. Being free he was able to open his wings and begin to fly high above the land. Later he learned his twisting and struggle squeezed excess water from his body. If this had not occurred death was also most certain.

Sometimes God moves you through life slowly, learning through experiences. Struggles, weathering storms, unique experiences based upon changing perspectives, all strengthen our character. Sometimes he quiets the storm but other times he quiets us.

We live in a world full of hate and anger. Individuals want to extract revenge and get their pound of flesh. Yes we live in a fallen world where darkness runs rampant. As Christians we need to act differently. Our motives and thoughts should not be full of malice,

Obedience and love for God should be our only motivation. This is a great time to practice

Now for the random thoughts that are not complete sentences but good to keep in mind.

Sometimes we do not learn the first time. Consider Peter who multiple times had to be told three times before believing.
You are good enough
God loves you no matter WHAT
Told it is impossible until it is not
We live in a world of possibilities
We will win this fight.
Perfect love? There is only one but we must try our best
Believe in yourself
Believe in your dreams. Your goals in life are more imaginable. Possible

Sir Robert The Bruce



Close calls make you live harder.

A phrase I heard that struck home. COVID has given many a close call. Others it has hit home with a loss from family and friends. So how are you living harder. Revaluation of life goals, how you live your life in general or bringing you closer to our creator. For me all of the above and then some. Even before the pandemic started I was in the process of All In For Christ.

Burn it all to the ground! A comment made when faced with a virus that made no sense. It means to take all measures needed to kill the bug, the problem. When faced with difficult situations that defy normal solutions we sometimes become desperate to try anything.  Which is not a bad thing if God inspired.

My point is that when you are ready to make some meaningful changes in your life think outside of the box. Better yet just “let her go”, gee where have you heard that before. A case in point was me a year ago when the decision was made to live harder for God. I was still resistant to some of the solutions and had loads of excuses. Had a back injury, loads of baggage and ….., you get the point. Now, I own a house versus renting; unloaded seven car garages of stuff, my wife has a better job plus I am prepping for new adventures. Maybe you do not need to burn everything down but be open to radical change or happy with the few changes needed in your life.  When you allow yourself the opportunity to even CONSIDER a radical or new idea, thought processes can entertain all kinds of ideas.  When you take the step in the right direction, that allows God to move on your behalf.  You will find provision by following God’s plan.  Not saying you will not have hard times or an easy walk but the end result is glorious.  For example the garage purge started with friends who I walked with during one of my ministry services.  Their daughter was also part of the Christ Like Kids church program which I was connected to.  Bottom line she and her husband showed up and helped run the garage sale.  That was followed by other ministry friends who brought trailers and volunteers to haul off plus clean up what remained.  I spent most of the time in a wheel chair or walker.  That was the start of many blessings and obstacles being overcome.  I had a five month plan and God did most of it in five weeks.  Had to learn to get out of the driver seat and climb in the back to enjoy the ride.

Be blessed and know God is in control.      



Knights evolved from men chosen for their devotion to King (& communities) and stellar character.
You have heard Of the words For King and Country

The vow for knights in the early days was:

“Be wise and gracious
Be courageous with the nobles and charitable with the poor
Care for widows and orphans but above all love and honor God.
Follow his commandments in your deeds.”

The Knights response:
“I swear loyalty and obedience to my king.
So help me God
For the sake of Christ. Amen”

I know who my King is. We are in a dark time and must be true to our Christian values. Remember the Word-Truth and always LOVE



As I step out in faith my mind races with the why, what and how. Thoughts of next steps related to, who to reach out to, friend and potential ally, but also admin tasks fill my mind. Additionally, why this is so important fills my thoughts. Veterans Day was last week with all of the words of freedom is not free. Like Jesus, our veterans laid down their lives so that others could enjoy freedom. Free from persecution and others who decided the greater good did not include them. Stories of the desire of freedom from far away places like Ireland, India and Middle East fill my tv time. Memories of what was and still is brings understanding of the importance of LIVE.
Having knowledge of resources, a game plan with steps and goals gives HOPE.

In our current political climate much progress has been in securing our borders. The what if of an open border is now being discussed. In Europe the effects of letting all in without proper vetting can be seen. Destruction of the country’s way of life, strain on resources and lawlessness reigns. Hopefully that will not happen here but we do need to fix our broken immigration system. Providing a means for those who truly embrace the American way is key. I am not referring to a specific religion because freedom of choice is also paramount. We should not however cater to those whose lifestyle is hate and destroying our culture.
Pursuit of happiness not hate is important. Just because someone has a different opinion than yours is no reason to hate. Soldiers say, I do not agree with what you say, but will fight to defend your right of free speech. The line needs to be drawn however when that free speech turns to violence and inciting riots. Not drawing that line or worst turning a blind eye condones the action. Embodying them through inaction encourages more chaos.

Be easy on people; you’ll find life a lot easier. Give away your life; you’ll find life given back, but not merely given back—given back with bonus and blessing. Giving, not getting, is the way. Generosity begets generosity” (Luke 6:37-38 MSG).

The struggle to maintain our freedom must be fought. Our younger generation needs to learn discernment. Sifting through mounds of information to find truth needs to be done.

Sir Robert The Bruce



Hostility and ill-treatment, especially because of race or political or religious beliefs.

Persecution in the Bible. Harassment and suffering which people and institutions inflict upon others for being different in their faith, world view, culture, or race. Persecution seeks to intimidate, silence, punish, or even to kill people.

the act of persecuting. the state of being persecuted. a program or campaign to exterminate, drive away, or subjugate people based on their membership in a religious, ethnic, social, or racial group:

Anyway you define it the ugly truth is the act is intended to do harm.

Persecution is not someone disagreeing with you or hurting your feelings. Many twist persecution around to include basic disagreements or refusal to be supportive of alternative view points. People can agree to disagree. Being silent can be option but speaking the truth in love is good.

Evil does not like the truth and a backlash can be expected from the fallen world we find ourselves in.

Sometimes we do stuff because we felt like it was the only option. Convinced ourselves it was the only way. Not because we want too but believed we had too. Two clearly marked paths, sin or redemption, may not be clearly marked with flashing lights. Evil can come when the righteous path is hidden. Learn to be still and let God fight for you.

Recently I read a story about religious leaders who planned to endorse someone who wanted abortion and planned to increase availability. The story they wrote was a justification for their decision. I believe their decision is wrong. This is not persecution or done out of evil hate. Reading their reasons I do not agree. I will however pray from them and include in those prayers the following thoughts come to their minds and souls.

Only one way out. Just breath. Stress relief
Pause and reflect
Find a way when seems to be no way. Find the truth.
Find the true path

Sir Robert The Bruce



I go to bed with this thought and wake up in the night dwelling on my “To Do List.”
Struggling with the – trust in Him and ego is still a battle. Why not release the planning to someone who knows all? So many times the need to be right clouds our vision and hinders our progress. Kind of like a couple of Zaxs meeting nose to nose (check out Dr Seuss). Neither budge and the world moved on around them. We turn conflict into time consuming battles of words and wills. I have mentioned before my thoughts on hatred in the world, love, focus and a host of biblical solutions. My new pastor is reminding us if it is not backed by scripture you might be missing something. Staying in the Word is paramount to moving forward. In Romans apostle Paul counsels us to “live in harmony with one another”. We are instructed to not judge people, instead get to know them and see them as God sees them. A good prayer for all “Dear God , when criticism strikes or a dispute hurts, guard my tongue in humble honor of you.” Thank you Our Daily Bread.
Yes I am starting on a new ministry adventure. My time at MW is winding down. As Twain said, “You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus”. God reminds me I am still as strong today as when he called me to ministry. Ready for battle now as I was then (Joshua). Lord, may we continue to fulfill our life mission with passion and Joy. Keep my eye simply on Him. With refocused faith what could you see in Him for your life.
I have been blessed lately of reminders of past work. This has encouraged me to not grow weary in well doing. Opening myself up to becoming more aware of the Holy Spirit prompting == get off my butt and === or rest a little longer. I am not a spring chicken but realize there is more to be done in this dark world. Retirement is not for me.

Sir Robert The Bruce

Holy out here among the heathens

Holy out here among the heathens

That is a catchy phrase but what does it refer too. We live in a fallen world. Christians are in this world but not of this world. It is important that our very nature is one of love and kindness. People can be mean and hateful but our response is love. Probably not very nice to call people heathens but I am making a point that we are suppose to witness to those who do not know Jesus. Jesus is love. Heathen is in the Bible 193 times by the way.

Another odd thought.

What goes through your mind when you jump out of a perfectly good airplane? For me it is the wonder and beauty of God’s universe as you float through the air. Not all of us are thrill seekers but for me hang gliding, bungee jumping and zipping through trees like super man is a blast. I am also, usually, very organized plus a visionary.

One more off the wall term then I will tie things together. Please stay with me.

Chinese saying Gung Ho
Gung for hard work
Ho. For harmony which tied together equals Work together
In English overly enthusiastic or energetic

No prejudices as to race, gender, age or religion.

All of this randomness ties to LIVE. Legal Immigration Volunteer Empowerment. As Christians we are to preach the gospel by living it. How better to do that than helping others gain freedom. Becoming citizens you have the ability to choose or not a place or means of worship. Free Will for all. History is full of stories of misguided religious beliefs being forced on others.

LIVE is based upon the principle that through hard work done in harmony with one another – GUNG HO – much can be accomplished. Everyone is unique with different talents, desires and perspectives.
Every person has a job and knows how to do it enthusiastically, That is my hearts desire to accomplish.
Part of a team – a freedom team to enable individuals the opportunity of achieving citizenship.

Prayer warriors are need, follow 3rd Degree on Facebook.

Sir Robert The Bruce



History repeats itself often enough? I was reminded of a democracy long ago that because of its prosperity was a threat to the monarchs of other nations. They were attacked on all sides but prevailed in many battles. Sadly their nations history is tarnished by what happened internally. Political infighting., misinformation, riots and mob rule caused many good citizens to loose their lives. It destroyed their economy, cohesion and harmony. They almost lost their nation because a few in power contrived with the country’s enemies. Hate was the prevailing mood at this time and coupled with fear many evil deeds happened.

Today I was given the opportunity to share my perspective on the current political climate. I have shared many of my views previously in this blog but this time I had a check in my spirit not to respond. Realization dawned on me that their minds were made up. Nothing I could say or online information shared could persuade them to think differently. My best bet and only hope was to pray for them. Do I really know the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Many on both sides of the political realm thread an element of truth amongst the lies. Only the truth giver can help those so firmly set in their ways but I also need to be better prepared when the spirit leads.

One of my goals is to share our freedom that is so precious. Freedom to work, play, worship and in general live life as we choose. This requires love not hate. Leaders need to find common ground but sadly that has become increasingly difficult. We live in a fallen world and darkness is everywhere. Be the light, dispel the darkness in your corner of the universe. Love and live large with respect, integrity, community and having fun.

Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone.

Sir Robert The Bruce

Judge not or be Judge

Judge not or be Judge

When your circumstances change it impacts and changes our perspective. Recently when I had difficulty walking and was forced to use a wheel chair, walker and cane not only did people react to me differently but my ego also changed. Learning to rely on others as I slowly regained my health and strength provided many lessons.

It does not matter where you came from or what you have done. What matters is today and the choices you make. This freedom of choice is what makes us unique. I like what someone involved in Christian community development said recently. “We are working to make our community one that people want to move in to ~ rather than leave. We want this neighborhood to be a place for people to invest their time and energy…to live life, to raise families, to own homes. With this in mind, one of our working vision statements was formulated: “To create, with our neighbors, a community that people want to move into.”

As a team we can do anything! Our team includes God’s community of believers who love and share.
Balance is very important. Balance in life includes keeping priorities start. God, family, ministry and community are key to your growth and stability.

Mentoring is the key to helping others. Some define this as “the practice of assigning a junior member of staff to the care of a more experienced person who assists him in his career” What this means as a Christian is helping others not only in their Christian walk but also becoming part of a community.

Truth, Justice and the value of a single human being is hard to measure. But a single person can change the world.

Son, the more I know, the less I know. But the more I know, the more I believe in a creative and loving God.” Over the ensuing decades I have discovered my father’s words to be true. Sacred mystery is at the center of the greatest truths.

Judge me on the content of my character not my skin

What do all of these random thought and sayings have in common. Think about them for a bit in a no stress environment of peace and stillness.

I have launched LIVE through my blog. Many details have been outlined and input from others requested. The next steps are now being taken.

1. Recruit prayer warriors — Got to have God’s wisdom, blessings and covering
2. Draft up a proposed law change that can be uniformly sent to law makers

Goal is to have the proposal and network in place once elections are completed and new political leaders are in place.

Comments and suggestions are welcomed.

Sir Robert The Bruce




Working on getting back to my Thursday posting schedule.  Also resurrecting my 3rd Degree face book page.  Again I am in a learning curve of how it will all work, so I pray and take little steps.  “3rd Degree” was created to link up prayer warriors.  Basic idea was you know somebody that knows someone.  Wouldn’t  it be cool if you had someone in New York City that needed prayer and you were in Texas.  How could you send a prayer warrior in person to actually lay on hands to pray for them if you live in Texas.  Of course this is a scary fallen world and now COVID is in the mix.  I believe it can still be done.  The new added purpose of the Facebook page is to spread the word about LIVE.  Time to start the grassroots rising to change our immigration system.  We need thinkers, dreamers and prayer warriors.  All things of GOD and for GOD start with prayer.  The who what and when must be from him through divine inspiration.  So search for “3rd Degree” face book page, become a friend, pray and stay tuned for a post. 

My thought this week is freedom.

All of us have suffered loss. Some more than others. Loved ones, friends, jobs, financial security, homes and in general your peace of mind.  Our world is a fallen world that has gotten more crazy by the moment.

The question many of us struggle with, how do we live with our own survival or current circumstances?

How do we make use of this life we still have.

Some want to destroy the past, rewrite history per se. Our strength lies in our traditions, what we have learned from our mistakes and shared community of family plus friends.  Our DNA is made up by learning how our forefathers built this nation on Christian values and good will for ALL.  We have also learned that evil will keep on unless good people stand up and fight for what is true and just.

You need a code of conduct. As I have previously written RICH is my choice. Respect- all -regardless of who or what they are = that takes love. Integrity- doing the right thing to all – loving yourself and those you encounter.

Community = surrounding yourself with the faithful – those who hold you accountable and pick you up when you fall. Just as important Having fun in the life you live.

Freedom in this country is about being able to think for yourself, to examine the ideas that you are presented with and weighing out whether or not they are true and worth adopting as part of your worldview. That’s what some are doing and more need to do. Proving that they are fully capable of making up their own minds. Independent thinkers don’t need their hands held.

Remember when you forgive, you heal and when you let go you grow.

Sir Robert The Bruce