Author: Sir Robert The Bruce

After many years in ministry I have been led to share my thoughts, stories and a rich life living for Christ.


I believe a darkness is spreading throughout the world and especially our nation. We must remain strong in our faith and beliefs. If you are a Christian you are woke.

Woke is a term, originating in the United States, that originally referred to awareness about racial prejudice and discrimination. It subsequently came to encompass an awareness of other issues of social inequality, for instance, regarding gender and sexual orientation.

Woke politics refers to people who are interested in identity politics of race, gender and sexuality but don’t care about class or sex. It is also generally opposed to freedom of speech and individuality. Woke politics pretends to have an equality agenda but actually it’s becoming fascism dressed up as inclusivity.

While wokeness employs biblical vocabulary and concepts, it is an alternative religion, far from Christianity in both its methods and its fruit. A potent blend of racism, paganism, and grievance, wokeness encourages “partiality” and undermines the unifying work of the Holy Spirit. It is not simply not the Gospel; it is anti-Gospel.

So what should we as Christians do about this darkness taking over our country and cities.  Be strong and preach the gospel by deed and words.  Do not buy into the hate of being politically woke.  Continue to live your life loving and serving all irregardless of who or what they are.

Let us all be of one mind and heart to achieve spreading of love and decency.

Achieve means to successfully bring about or reach (a desired objective, level, or result) by effort, skill, or courage.

When something good is happening, something bad is going to try and stop it.

That good, making something happen based upon a code of values, is a world changer.

One principled person can and does change the world. What most see is the outer shell which causes character assumptions to be made. Acts, words and deeds show the true inner being of a person. Others may not believe in what that person believes in but they come to respect and trust in those beliefs. This is a big step in the salvation process.  Lord help me get one more to your kingdom.

To be clear, I believe that our Christian believe of being “woke” has been perverted. 

In an era of change and momentous events you need to believe in yourself and a community of like believers.  Lead not on your own understanding but surround yourself with like believers.

Civilization or the lack there of is happening.  This season of be all and allow all things is not healthy.  Having rules, a code of values and enlightenment allows Civilized communities to thrive.  How has this been allowed to occur.  The answer is mass formation psychosis. When you have a society that has become decoupled from each other, and has free floating anxiety, in a sense that things don’t make sense. We can’t understand it. And then their attention gets focused by a leader or series of events on one small point, just like hypnosis. They literally become hypnotized and can be led anywhere.  We must, as Christians, stay true to our Christians beliefs and not hide in the shadows or shirk from our duties to our community

Ephesians 4:17-24). These new hearts move more like God’s heart. They are not, however, all shaped alike. They still reflect our God-created and God-anointed individuality (1 Corinthians 12:14-20). Notice when you view tough situations—sometimes your heart is moved, deeply. Notice also—sometimes it isn’t.  You are thereby inclined to help those who has touched your heart.    But as one community all are treated equally

Do not be afraid to stand up and advocate for yourself

This is your life, you dictate which story is told.

Life is for the living

Life is simple, you make choices and don’t look back

Believe in yourself surrounded by like believers.



To be seen, to be heard, to be considered human that is a basic desire of most of us.
That is not a black, brown or white thing! The same fight over and over that man faces regularly. It hurts and that hurt turns into rage. Rage can be easier to live with but it destroys you from the inside out. That rage will poison our spirit. It is only a matter of time before an explosion happens and anger spills out. A life time of millions of little cuts, that have festered, needs to be dealt with on a regular basis.

Choice, free will, every day we are given the opportunity to exercise these gifts. Some are simple like what to eat or music to listen to. However, when you see a wrong that goes unpunished or an incident of rage, what do you do. Let that sink in for a bit. Some jump in right away to right the wrong. Judgement in their minds must be swift. Others stand back as innocent bystanders afraid to be involved. What do you do in tough situations? Pray, trust your gut and rely on the Word buried in your heart and soul to do the right thing. Some throw away the easiest things, hope and integrity instead of doing what in their heart needs to be done. Keep your word, trust God and walk daily in truth and light. No it is not always easy but remember to love those brought across your path.

“I appreciate your transparency” plus “You’re honest and real” should be what we long to hear. “You love the Lord, and you lean into Him with your life.” Let these thoughts be in your head this holiday season. Take off the mask and let your true self shine forth as you study the word, listen to those around you and love.



We did not grow up this way! More united, patriotic, family oriented and loving are the words that first come to mind. Yes I have been around over six decades and have seen the changes. Divisive, alienated, hatred, single and so much more are the new norms.
Let’s look at a few examples like the decline in marriages, family and having children. There is also increased divisiveness in the family unit especially among children. Constant scrutiny and harassment through social media bombardment is the new norm. Your own personal identity is challenged.
Our country is being torn apart and taught to hate. If you are white, must be racist and need to pay. Asian people caused the pandemic. Unvaccinated causing death and serious illness. Black’s rioting and destruction of our cities. Parents painted as terrorist because they challenge what their children are being taught in school. Homosexuals are sexual predators. First responders and soldiers, who put their lives on the line, are villains. The list goes on and on based upon who you talk to.
The newest trend is two classes of people, the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Many thousands of vaccinated Americans have died of COVID. But if you are unvaccinated you are ostracized from family gatherings, public places in some locals are off limits and could lose your job because you are the problem. My belief is the job mandate currently has no teeth to insure compliance. It was stated in the news media but has yet to be approved by any government agency that enforces employee rules.
Vaccines may be highly useful for some people, but across the population, they do not solve COVID. People who’ve been fully vaccinated can still get the virus. They can still transmit the virus to others and they can still die from COVID. There’s no inherent reason that a virus should rip apart the United States. COVID has also caused an economic shift in wealth. The middle class and small business owners were decimated because of the forced closures.
I am tired of the hate, mis-information, government control and direction of our country. My choice is love more, listen more, be understanding of others and help those in need. A code of values must be kept to be RICH. Respect Integrity Community & Have Fun is my plan. A corny phrase to some but believe in Truth, Justice and the “OLD” American Way.



I have been struggling for awhile now, to not only write but staying focused.  Things are moving slower than I like and being lazy something I confess to doing.  Many thoughts have been planted into my head and making sense of all that is going on in this crazy world makes you want to withdraw.  I have also had a lot of fun since tax season ended.

A caterpillar goes through a mighty struggle to become a butterfly.  The process squeezes out excess liquid in the body and helps in the transformation.  If it is helped to escape the cocoon then the end result is not as good and could even result in death.   

I am resolved to continue on this journey chosen for me.  My Pastor’s sermon a few weeks ago ignited a new fire in my soul.  Is this a future path for me, was my first question.  How does it fit in what I believe to be true and the calling on my life?

The announcement and sermon was our Church identity is “Missions.”  Do I get involved? Experience in ministry building plus international short term missions does fit. Could this be the step to move forward? God give me wisdom! I want to preach and teach with the calling of being a story teller. Need to learn more, was the answer received, so lunch with the Pastor was arranged.  I listened to his vision and the fit was definitely there.  But a cautionary thought of “let my will be done, serve those in leadership”.

Listening and learning are two keys to my growth.  I do have ideas but will be patient and wait for God’s timing or lay them aside if it is best.  I will share my ideas, in case they will help you, or to be planted in some one you know. 

A hybrid of Antioch missions-BAM & Teen Mania all three I served with at various times.  Calling it Ministry & Missions training, a tool box for each. 

Shark tank environment of ideas for new community ministries are presented, chosen, then resources poured in to help launch or grow.  A code of values is used to insure adherence to God’s word.

One Nation Under God (ONUG) Coalition = Where two or more are in agreement under God His will will be done.

A good handyman has the right tool for each situation.  I have prototypes of two manuals that provide information on starting and running a ministry plus when in the field, starting points for each aspect of missions.  This is not all inclusive but starter kits and keep in mind you have to be flexible.  God loves to throw a curve ball occasional.  Taking my learning and passing it on is something I am called to do.

Sometimes I am the kite and other times an anchor, so need wisdom on when to soar and other times be grounded.

Word- the attempt by imperfect yet inspired individuals drawn to follow in the Father’s footsteps to create something from nothing- whether they recognize the original source of their call or not

Closing tidbits    === Battle plan ===God has given you this land. You can not do it alone. Divine intervention and community is required.

Here I am Lord. Use me               Faith leads to action



Lately I have been reminded of the price of freedom. Be it Memorial day, Fourth of July, anniversaries of wars or the one who is the great I Am who sacrificed his son for all mankind this plus more makes me greatly appreciate the life I have. Isabella Baumfree is a name most people do not know. Many have heard of Sojourner Truth however, her heartache and perseverance to win not only her freedom but some of her children’s and pave the way for others is a good story. Isabella changed her name to show that her life was built on the foundation of God’s truth. I was introduced to the character of Sojourner during a community play. My part was a plantation owner who sold her and the kids to various individuals. I have learned much during my drama years and this part struck home when separating children from their mother. Sojourner had a secure fortress in God and decided to take legal action to fight an unjust system. She did it with peace, love and wisdom, given by God, not hate or anger.
Many times the cost of war is paid with young lives. Not only those willing to serve but also children have died as collateral damage. A recent revelation is the startling contrast in some wars where the loss of civilian life was lessened by choices made not to make it all out war. When the decision was made to destroy whole cities to “break the will” of the other side the war was won. This decision also saved many lives of the soldiers fighting and brought about a quicker stop to the war. On the other hand if you mostly defended yourself and did not pursue aggression across a border the war drags on and the defenders are worn down by attrition.
One more timely freedom breaker is COVID. The world came to a stop and people were isolated. Interaction, travel, business and a host of other issues caused our freedoms to be very, very limited. The mental health aspects of isolation, no hugs, trauma and loss of loved ones will be with some of us for a very long time. Leaders had to make hard choices that impacted the living and dying. A balancing act of is the cure worse than the virus caused many decisions to be questioned with fatal consequences.
What is my point? Justice often takes time and is not always readily apparent. God of justice is made very clear in the Bible. There is a darkness in the world and innocents will sadly suffer. Long suffering, why are my enemies triumphing over me and false accusations will occur. Keep in mind God’s love will never fail! Even in the darkest days of our history you should always have hope and faith. Never give up, never give in, we have already won if you are a follower of Jesus Christ. Like Sojourner, learn to fight for what is right and your dreams through peace, love and wisdom. Those hard choices, in good times or bad, can be solved with wisdom that is only an ask away. I have been saved many times from the consequences of bad decisions by being humble and asking for help. If you are alone, lost or unsure what direction to go, pray and ask for help.

Sir Robert The Bruce

Letter to Legislators

Letter to Legislators

Below is a letter I am sending out to legislators. Immigration is a hot topic right now and at a crises point with the flood of illegal immigrants. I kick myself for not working on this more last year when the idea presented itself. Sadly immigrant children are being sent around the country to be placed in homes with little structure or oversight. Feel free to copy and send this letter to your representatives. If you want to get involved please let me know.


I am sending this letter to many legislators to introduce LIVE, an idea created a little over a year ago.  During the past COVID year the idea was sent to the prior president and my legislators while I worked on some more specifics of the plan.  What I received in return were form letters, so hopefully casting a wider net the idea will take hold.  Simply put LIVE is Legal Immigration Volunteer Empowerment.  The idea being to give volunteers a means to accomplish helping others become Americans.  People want to be part of something bigger, reaching the world with a message of love.  Just think of all of the people who have the thought; What can I beAn endless possibilities question when you come to America.  I am now in pursuit of helping others obtain this dream that many believe impossible. Effort will be needed from many so that many more can enjoy freedom. Citizenships leads to freedom but requires lots of sacrifice and sweat.

The basic premise is to utilize volunteers in sponsoring immigrants.  They would be responsible for providing all of their needs with a three, five and seven year goal plan leading to citizenship.  Structure would be similar to a military unit with five volunteers for a squad, managed by a sergeant (five squads) who reports to a company commander (five sergeants).   Each front line volunteer would be allowed five immigrant adults (large family units will require some adjustments) to provide housing, food, medical care and other basic necessities for up to seven years.  Employment would be one of the goals.  Besides a background check, volunteers would demonstrate their financial capability or network of providers.   Churches, Ministry Organizations or a business could agree to support a volunteer.   My theory is based upon a community approach with individuals being the hands and feet to get it done.  Plans would be structured so that immigrants and volunteers are responsible for completing steps to obtain citizenship.

Currently to sponsor an immigrant requires a court order.  There are no easy ways to help someone.  You hear of complaints of free medical care, schooling and welfare that burdens the government.  Immigrants say the path to citizenship is not clear or based upon a randomness that is not fair.

What this idea does is allow people, who really want to help, a methodology to build relationships leading to a new life.  Immigrants would have more control of their destiny.  Government costs will be reduced.  There would be a government unit above company commanders to handle some logistics.  This staff could be on a state level and utilize current ICE employees.

I have other thoughts and ideas about goal setting, bench marks and recidivism but this is the basic idea.




Back to back blog post who would of figured. I blogged last night about adopting an immigrant. This morning, reality check, why do I not do it. I have no resources or knowledge of how, where to get started, costs, understanding the process, responsibility & support group (recently moved to a new area). Talk to Gary, my best friend, pops into my head. Yes start with an awesome prayer warrior. Buried with my day job, need to make time thought quickly follows the first. Time to start digging and build a plan. I like lists, protocols and process so first step a given and items to prioritize and learn about provide the next steps.
The word today, “Just go ahead with what you’ve been given.” Get connected by walking and sharing, living what I’ve been given-that matters. May I live today what I’ve been given.
If you have some insight on what I mentioned above, please respond.
Sir Robert The Bruce



Simple things can be really big reveals. Do not miss the point.

Stop building barriers that say you cannot be Christian or do good things because.,……….
You are liberals, have tattoos…
God can make clean what is unclean = Let that sink in
Not matter what you have done or think of yourself change can happen.
I was put down for grammar or how thoughts are written, so I stop doing what needs to be done.
Lets get our act together and change the world.

Acts -10: 30 – An ordinary man going about his duties but also staying true to what he felt called to do. This lead to great and mighty events that changed the world.

Political leaders change. Some are good and others bad. But we are instructed by our leader not to judge. We also learn that what the ruler of this world means for evil God can make good use of. Immigration is one of those opportunities that we can make good. I have said that my belief is open borders are a bad idea. But helping others is good. Who is to say that some of those trained in a way to LIVE will not become leaders by returning from whence they came.
I was recently reminded about how people are treated in other countries. Women are nothing but things, religious freedom or any freedom of choice is forbidden. Even in this country media is controlled by a few and you must dig down deep for truth. My God helps me discern fact from fiction. Remaining diligent, protecting my heart and soul takes time and work.
Immigration is a complex systemic issue with no easy fix. Why not start with a simple volunteer solution. LIVE allows those with big hearts the opportunity to give back to those people in need. All they need is a blueprint of the steps to take. This reminds me of story about Christopher Columbus who needed money to sail around the world. During an audience with the Queen he asked her to stand an egg on end. Her response was, everyone knows the world is flat and what does this egg have to do with you trying to sail over the edge. I will humor you, and thus she gave it a good try. After awhile the Queen gave up in exasperation, it is impossible!
Columbus promptly took the egg and smashed one end flat, then leaned back. See it is easy once you have been shown how.
I truly believe that 90% of any problem has already been solved and what we need to do is put those pieces together and solve the other 10%. Please reach out to your local representative and tell them you are ready to volunteer and sponsor an immigrant. Shock them by offering to cover their living costs, with no government assistance. Talk to your friends, church, ministry or other social group to build a network for providing a sanctuary. All you ask for in return are clear, straight forward steps to citizenship that can be accomplished in under seven years. This has to be done legally and above board as an example to those you serve. Simple, small first steps that can cause life changing moments.

Sir Robert The Bruce

Do Not Give In

Do Not Give In

Absolute power corrupts! When we give away our personal choice then power moves to the taker. Let that sink in for a moment. God gave that right to us “personal choice”. To live, to love, to follow all of these are our right.
My personal choice, I willing give to God. It has taken me years of baby steps to arrive at this stage of live. Learning to trust and obey is not easy for someone who loves to plan, be detailed oriented and have a list of things to do. Being copilot and not pilot has taken me on many wonderful journeys and provided memories.
Today I read that Carmen passed away. He was a few years younger than me and had an impact on my life. Not only his music, Grammy award winner, but the time spent volunteering at his Dallas concert left me with tales of the skits performed. I was able to meet him and watch him minister. This is one of many steps where I followed the urging to go and do something new.
On a more somber note think of how your personal choice is slowly eroded away. When we allow our very substance of life to be controlled by someone we become subjective to their choice. Debt is one item mentioned numerous times in the Bible. Medical care, housing, food and income, think of these and for whom you depend on. Sadly we are moving toward a society that provides all of these at no cost. The haves will pay and/or federal debt incurred from outside sources. Our borders are now open with hundreds coming in that will need food , medical care, housing and much more to be provided by the good old USA.
My choice is to not give in to having all things provided by a government like other socialist countries. On the matter of immigration my choice is to respond in love and follow what God has put on my heart. Legal Immigration Volunteer Empowerment (LIVE). The LIVE idea has been sent to two Senators as an alternative to free stuff. As Christians we can be the hands and feet to help those in need. I am not for open borders! Relationships are what I desire. My home has been provided by God and available to do his work. Second, third and more chances for those in need as God directed. But it is not for everyone because sadly there is evil in this world who wishes me and others harm.

To know what is best for you make a personal choice to not give in to the chaos, hatred and mob mentality surrounding our nation.
Push through the noise, spend some time in silence to hear the still small voice.
A good leader has self awareness, a desire to do better, be better.
Insecurities do not make you less of a leader, they make you human. Where we are weak God can bring others to walk along side us. Community is another personal choice. Surrounding yourself with others of like mind who love and support you. You see these groups in church, first responders, sports and your neighborhood.

Be RICH =Respect Integrity Community and Have fun. But more importantly make the right personal choices

Sir Robert The Bruce