Author: Sir Robert The Bruce

After many years in ministry I have been led to share my thoughts, stories and a rich life living for Christ.
Stand together as one or fall one at a time

Stand together as one or fall one at a time

Time to get vocal! I have sat back and listened to all of the one sided judgments, bias news angry rants, hateful comments, illogical thoughts and kept silent. Everybody wears a label of Atheist, Christian, Catholic, Baptist, Republican, Democrat, Centralist, Black, Latin, White, gay, straight, undetermined and the list goes on. This is my viewpoint on one of several hot button issues.
I watch way too much TV but the sounds bites are awesome and nuggets can be found. For example “just the facts Mam” is a good one and I do want to be a writer so here goes.
First my labels are straight, white, Christian, male, veteran, senior, Dad, Husband and Father and a few others… A less used label is bad speller and grammar challenged. So judge away.
Topic 1 GAZA and Ukraine: If someone held a gun to your families head and said give me the deed to your house and title to your vehicles you would probably do it. So after they decided to shoot everyone or not they moved on to the next house. Get the idea!
The world has forgotten what started these messes and who is really responsible. From the jump Israel made it clear that all of the houses around them were filled with threats. Lives of their families are precious! The historic fact they mentioned was when the USA had the choice to bomb Japan and save hundreds of thousand of their families or, the choice was easy. Another example, also in WWII, was when England stood strong Hitler tried to break their will by attacking the families, all out war. The Allies did resort to this when whole German cities were leveled. Israel is doing the same, breaking the will of the people who gave up all and support terrorist. Yes there is a flip side as always, the innocents who pay the ultimate price. Just like the young and old in Hiroshima or London or a nameless German town.
Today, since the word came out of the innocents dying in a tunnel, people mass in the street to give the terrorist what they want so the killing stops. It will not stop until they are dead or their will broken! If the hostages where just given freedom the narrative would be so very different. Let MY People Go, sound familiar. Give in to bullies and the process is repeated. Riots and social media outrage does not work against shadow governments or dictators.
This is a good segway for Ukraine and Russia war. Where’s the outrage against Russia and the killing of innocents. All out war as towns and cities are left in rumble. Women and children being carted off to Russia so that ranks of dead young men can be replenished. Where is the news reporting, in depth fact finding of the goings on behind the curtain. A mention is sometimes made of who is next in the crosshairs for their “house”. Stand together as one or fall one at a time!
Well lunch time, diabetic label so must eat, stay tuned for my next world/political target.
Sir Robert The Bruce
I believe in Christmas miracles.

I believe in Christmas miracles.

Truth is they happen at the most opportune times. Money, friends, blessings and so much more just happen. The other day as I unloaded the remnants of a ministry Christmas party there sat Santa’s throne, a big stuff chair. As I pondered how to move it a gentleman walked up dropping off a donation. Help had arrived in the nick of time. Sometimes God‘s blessings come too late in our minds but history will show it was always at the right time. You can read in the Bible about Abraham‘s sacrifice and the ram who showed up. Just think in your mind what it took to get that ram at that point in time, at that location just at the right moment.
I love watching Christmas Hallmark movies at this time of year with my wife. There’s always love, there’s always some tears and there’s always some drama but in the end it usually all miraculously works out. Sometimes my wife and I can figure it out rather quickly, others there are twist and turns that are revealed and the red herrings are identified but not always. And so it is in life, we need a miracle that comes unexpectedly, or we might think it might be one thing but it is something else. In the end the miracle is always always just what we need just when it is needed.

During this time let’s not forget the greatest Christmas blessing and miracle of all time. If you think of each aspect of the way it was delivered, the time it was delivered and everything in the whole universe that came together to accomplish this miracle you will be amazed. So this holiday season be sure and be thankful for all your blessings, give love to all you meet, give generously to those need, laugh and live. Realize we live in a great time and a great place.

Wheat & Chaff

Wheat & Chaff

I got myself in trouble recently when I mentioned wheat and chaff as part of the conversations with my wife. The issue is that there could be “chaff“ in some of our conversations. That means that I am selective listening but who out there can tell me with a straight face that is not something we all do. I soon came to realize this would be a good lesson for me to dwell and build on.
Most think that chaff is defined as ◦ “chopped hay and straw used as fodder.” But another definition shows “trash or worthless things”. That is where the problem arose that needed to be understood. We could go many directions in this lesson but let’s first focus on the purpose of what I meant by my comment.
Understand women speak three times more words than man on average. Some studies even show that where women could do 150 words per minute on average while men would be lucky to maybe get 50. For me personally, to retain knowledge, I need to weed out the chaff and focus on important facts and details. Talking to the pet or them selves, rude comments or even mean and hateful things can be part of the conversations that I wish not to dwell on. It is clear in the word what I am supposed to dwell on and feed my soul with. What is also very clear that I am suppose to honor my wife and give her the full attention she deserves when she is speaking to me. As relationships grow and time marches on we have a bad habit of tuning out those we love.
So key point is listen closely and focus on key items. Learn to discard the negativity or
hateful comments so that they do not become part of your behavior. Always, and I cannot emphasis this enough, always respond with love and positivity. Sometimes you also just have to walk away.
Now the other part of this lesson is “dwell on” which is to think, speak, or write at length. If you want to see the impact of this “dwell on” from negativity, violence and perversion just look at our society. From TV, movies, games and social interaction we have become isolated , sad, hateful and much worse. Learn to think on and perform good works that helps you grow spiritually and become more positive. Purify your thoughts because you are responsible for what you think. I have noticed that things I have “think at length” can turn into actions. Everybody has their own perspective on life. Tall or short; dreamer or anchor or a host of other contradictions your perspective is unique to you. Choose each day how you will react to life’s challenges. Work hard to focus on loving kindness.

Sir Robert The Bruce

Is This ME

Is This ME

I have been blessed by many good Words lately that truly hit home. From shared stories of a person’s life, to going into battle, or changing my attitude and being a listening ear. As usual I will share these pieces and let you put together your own puzzle. Everyone is unique and special with talents, feelings and a life history
A message recently read is me.
“I’m tired, defeated, worn out. The words hit a little deeper, and with laser-focused relevance, in a place of my heart I know God has been softening and breaking. I have been resistant, stubborn, and prideful. Tears quickly welled up as I began to process through it, and I found the truth to be cathartic and healing. I need Jesus to heal some deep wounds and brokenness.

You see, I felt deeply rejected by my father. He was absent, and I grew up as a very self-reliant person. I learned how to forge my life on my own knowledge and strength. Sure, I have been walking with Christ since aged 13, but life has thrown at me some pretty tough challenges—my parent’s divorce, infidelity in my marriage, ongoing toxic relationships, and an incessant artificial need to appease people, especially in order to advance my career.

Over the last five years, I suffered some gut-wrenching disappointments that sent me down a deep hole of doubt, shame, and self-loathing. Admittedly, rather than move closer to Christ, my habits and behaviors led me to hide in shame.

I’m grateful for strong relationships at home, in my faith community, and with brothers who know my deepest faults and desires. Without them, I would be in a much more desolate place. Even still, at times, it is easy to feel alone.”

While this story does not fit me to a tee, it does include a lot of similarities.

Next piece is we are at war. If you look at our fallen world this should be a no brainer to believe. We should prepare daily for this self evident truth. What is your war plan? Battles are waged “against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. The battleground starts in your mind and heart. Sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these inflict many but can be overcome. Goal setting is required. If it is not in writing the plan does not exist. I have learned keeping a journal helps in my never ending journey. Who do you have to be accountable with. Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Word, Community are just a few of the things needed to grow and move forward.

My attitude stinks some days, so I pray. In today’s chaotic world there are times I have grown tired and stressed. Being surrounded by negativity and constant bombardment by darkness I must choose Light. Each day provides choices to be made to be a complainer or joyful. Just the other day at the doctor’s office I was first in at the lab, then watched others come and go. Be joyful and bless the workers with a smile and kind words is my choice.
People in this world are hurting. Some have lost loved ones, jobs and their home through all of these tribulations. We cannot be the fix it all but do what we can and especially a listening ear. Blowing off steam or unloading a heavy burden is all some need.

Those are the pieces today so make you own conclusions. For me, vacation time with a wife who as been by my side for twenty years serving the Lord, growing stronger in service to Him and still following my battle plan.

Sir Robert The Bruce



I believe, because the Bible tells me so, that your gender is set at conception. Male and female are those two genders. I believe God has a purpose for everybody’s life. I’ll plan to prosper; I’ll plan to help; I’ll plan to see your full potential. You should not be discouraged or afraid because God will be with you wherever you go. Trails, problems, challenges, all of these will test your strength and courage. God defines who I am and will be with me as I walk in my purpose. I believe that society is hung up on a lot of stereotypes of what is male and female. How a boy should act, what a girl should do, it is not up to us to judge. I believe that our society is being destroyed from within by the teachings of gender confusion. Children and young adults have many challenges and are bombarded daily by social media.  This confusion only adds to their poor mental health. Gender confusion is a mental illness that should be treated with counseling and the right teaching of who they are. Jesus loves them no matter what, no matter who they are, or what they do but male and female are the only options. We as Christians must also love them no matter who they are or what they do. It is not judging by telling people a basic truth.  Helping others to understand the basic fact, male or female plus aid them in walking the path to find their true identity must be done. Finding your identity leads to also finding your true self, your true purpose, your true life.

When your mind is bombarded with negative thoughts, miss information and the untruths of this world, it can warp your brain.  It can put you down and will give you confusion about who you are and what you are and what you can become. We need to build people up, starting with the basic fundamental truth male or female.  If they want to wear fingernail polish, fine. if they want to dress differently than everybody else, fine. Just understand that they will be identified as male or female and there are certain rules in our society that need to be followed. Which bathroom you use, which sports you are involved in, there are some differences, you can have coed sporting events but it’s with the understanding that it is Coed!



I want to talk about children.  Ministries who help pregnant women and children are awesome.  Why I believe what they do is critical and why their mission is so important?  Let me tell you. First thoughts are when I got my high school sweetheart pregnant and the only resource and choice provided was Adoption because her parents were Catholic plus me. I was a scared confused teenager who at the time was also loosing my stable home life.  Later in life I was blessed with meeting my daughter that was born from that union and she has blessed this world so much. A loving family had raised her, she has had many beautiful children, and my relationship with her has grown. One of the first ministries that I was involved with was an unwed mother’s home.  We gave women information that allowed them to make good choices, a place to stay if needed and knowledge of resources to help them in their motherhood.

Over the years my focus has grown to include children of all ages. Youth Centers, Sunday School, teacher, mentor, mission trips, food bank … all God inspired.  I believe in the principal “take care of the children”.   In general, if you work with children bless you and thanks.  People that are in children’s lives work hard to help them grow, achieve their dreams, stretch and learn.  Workers and the children feel greatly blessed and really understand more about God and his purposes for each one of them.

I truly believe that life begins at inception, it starts with a woman’s womb.  Motherhood begins there as a responsibility to do their utmost best to protect, to care and provide for that child. At birth the process of caring for that child takes a great toll on your finances, your mind, your life changes because everything from that point forward is focused on caring for that child.  Rewards are great from the first heartbeat, smiles, walking and so many rays of sunshine from their cute personalities.

Our way of life with children is under attack!  Just think about the abortion challenges going on, look at the school happenings from shootings to teachers being underpaid plus not working because of other challenges they face each day. Schools have armed guards on hand at all times so you can see protecting our children, raising our children, taking care of our children is key to our society surviving. A recent study shows that 54% of the population Ages 16 to 74 read below six grade reading level. Some recommend that you start early in life with children, helping them understand words and reading,  By attacking this literacy issue head-on, being aware of it and intentional, from birth to six, reading to your child, singing lullabies to your child but really getting them to know words. Recently I was blessed with the opportunity of working with first graders and what is called sight words. These words are ones that they should know right off the bat just by looking at them by the end of first grade so that is a goal that they are asked to meet. It was amazing that some of the children had already learned them and knew them right off while others struggled with simple words.

What is my point in all of these words.  Get involved, speak up, volunteer, be intentional in your family-community to enact change.  Support ministries, teachers, schools, mothers, fathers and the list goes on. As Christians we must stand up to protect children, teach them about community and who they are.  Provide assistance in prayer and deed to enable both mental and physical help to be available to children in their life’s journey.  I have mentioned many ways and given examples on being involved in this blog.  Pray and He will guide you. 

Find your true passion

Find your true passion

What is your gift? Love of what, that thing to rev your engine, put a smile on your face?

People will follow this energy but you must be accountable. There will be trials, missteps and trolls to stop your dreams. Be true to yourself, friends and always have a code of values. Respect, Integrity, Community and have Fun will make you RICH. A real community of friends, a life you can be proud of with a joyful spirit.

We have been blessed with free will to make decisions, right or wrong. “From the primal elements, You brought forth the human race and blessed us with memory, reason and skill,” says the Book of Common Prayer. “But we turned against You … and we turned against one another

But I’m not turning against anyone. I’m sticking with Someone Who will challenge the prevailing opinion and Who has my best interest at heart, even if I don’t realize it. I’ll put my trust in that Someone even when—no, especially when—things go south

2% of Christians have led someone to Christ

5% of Churches are mission minded

Do you give of resources? Time is valuable! Money is great but hands and feet are also needed.

The world is getting dark so let your heart of hope shine brighter.



I have been needing to write and post for some time.  Mostly out of fear for what people will think or say keeps me from sharing.  Recently my grandson shared that our country’s songs need to be changed to excluded references of freedom.  That comment perplexed me as to why would he think that.  Shortly after that I had the opportunity to talk to another young man and was provided with enlightenment.  This led to pieces of a puzzle coming together that crystallized my thoughts.

We live in society that has become extremely fearful!  Rise in crime, hate, chaos and personal attacks are on the rise.  Freedom of voice and choice is constantly under attack.  Trolls on social media are just waiting to pounce on any thought.  Threats, name calling and overall civil unrest is spewed out onto whomever they dislike.  They take this hate to the streets and into our neighborhood blasting anyone within earshot.  Unfortunately there are those who are fanatic about their cause and believe the end justifies the means.  These fanatics work hard to convince others to join their cause with half truths and deception.  This is ugly and mean!  I choose the freedom to call it what it is.  Is this statement an example of what I am referring to as hateful?  Interesting thought and surely some will see it that way.  You can spiral up or down, being twisted in your effort to know the truth.   

What is the truth?  Which way do I turn in response to overwhelming information?  Sifting through garbage at times to find my direction and kernels of knowledge is tough.  It has taken me years to understand that I must have a strong base of truth.  That truth has lead me to basic foundational beliefs which helps me sort through the chaos.  I must stand for something or will fall for anything.  This blog rambles sometimes so let me break down the basics.  We do have freedom.     

Freedom to make choices that leads to consequences and other choices.  My response, in the face of anger, should always be made in love.  Calling things that be, can be judging so tread carefully.  Hopefully you get my drift that as Christians we get into self incrimination.  So what do we do about all of the hate in the world?  The answer is simple love!  Love those who hate you, call names and rant.  It is not easy but kind loving words needs to be your legacy.         

I am sure my grandson was worried about freedom of choice not speech when he made his comment. A women’s freedom of choice when they become pregnant is a divisive issue. Keep in mind that three people are involved in this scenario.  A women and a man plus a child once inception occurred all factor in to the choice. Bottom line, killing another human being is just that! In times of war, self defense and other reasons can be justified but still a horrible occurrence. Choosing to just because of convenience, what might be or just because are not valid reasons. I have screwed up many times in my life but believe strongly in adoption. Having been on multiple sides of adoption and seen the impacts on lives in many forms I believe this is best. Also mistakes have gained me wisdom that one man and one women waiting until marriage for sex is best. When the choice to not do that but have sex then you have opened up your life to deal with consequences.  Simple truths and beliefs to live by.  Freedom of choice within the boundaries of human kindness, decency and love.



“Send Me Joe” is a phrase ringing in my head lately. Yeah it is about Ukraine and the assault by a dictator but it goes way beyond that. I remember the stories told in the past about they came for the _______ but I did nothing then they came for the_____________ again I sat idly by, then they came for the likes of me and nobody helped. You can fill in the blanks using past events or current events (police, conservative, Christian).
I am not trying to be a saint and at my age facing death, well I know where I am going when I die. Compassion for all those in the military is a grave concern. Many are packing up, getting their things in order and spending time with family. The spouses are facing the uncertain future of life without a love one. As a veteran I understand fully that nervous feeling as you walk around with gear and weapon at the ready. Nothing great about me joining the army as a war was winding down (hopefully) because my daughter needed medical care. At one deployment I was pulled because a daughter was on the way. I also have a memory of switching our vehicles for jungle to desert because of an alert. Recently I saw a documentary of the President deciding to send forces to the jungle or the desert. So many years ago and memories fade but I do remember clearly the First To Go, First to Fight and We are not to reason why just do or die.
Many skeptics would say, what can you do at your age. The basic answer is stand with others to let them know they are not alone and we care. I can still handle a rifle or pistol or if need be help in logistics. But most importantly Pray, for the children, men and women that are impacted by this assault. Dear God give the leaders strength, courage and wisdom .
Where do I sign up?

Sir Robert The Bruce



Sometimes no matter how hard you try in words or deeds that person you care so much about will drag you down when they are in a dark place. All you can do at that moment in time is stand for them. Love them in the here and now. Be patient and be ready for when they will need you. But it is their choice if and when they make THE turn.

Do not let the emotion of the moment define your response or who you are. Rise above the tidal wave of frustration and anger. Choose a response that shows who you really are. A choice that defines your character. When they flip you off give the peace sign . Cussing you out respond with blessing and kindness.
I pray that circumstances change and know with out a doubt we have a God of possible